Publicació: maig de 1979
Llistes: EUA: #11 Regne Unit: #50
"I Was Made For Lovin' You" és una cançó de la banda nord-americana de rock dur Kiss, publicada originalment al seu àlbum de 1979, "Dynasty". Va ser llançada com el primer senzill de l'àlbum.
"I Was Made for Lovin' You" es basa en l'estil disco que va ser popular a finals dels anys 70 als Estats Units. Segons la llegenda, els membres de la banda estaven en conflicte amb els seus productors, que volien que la banda canviés a un so més comercial. En resposta, la banda va argumentar que qualsevol persona podia escriure cançons de discoteca lucratives en poc temps. La història diu que la demo de la cançó es va completar poques hores després de l'aposta.
Quan el single va sortir, la seva mera existència va ser considerada com una traïció pels seguidors del rock, i va afegir combustible a "Disco sucks!" un moviment que va sorgir al final de la dècada en contra de la música disco. Aquí hi havia els autors d'autèntiques odes al rock com "Rock and Roll All Nite" i "Detroit Rock City" que van fer el sacrilegi de posar un ritme mecanitzat de música disco cantant harmonies amb veu d'heli. Ara que el temps ens ha donat distància i la música disco ha passat per diferents fases de revaloració retrospectiva, és possible considerar aquesta cançó pel seus mèrits, divorciada de les expectatives dels seus autors i de les rígides línies divisòries socials que van convertir gèneres musicals diferents en faccions rivals. Resulta que en realitat és una melodia força increïble i, sens dubte, un dels millors singles que Kiss va publicar.
La cançó tracta d'un amor profund i apassionat entre dues persones que estaven destinades a estar juntes. La lletra expressa l'intens desig del cantant d'estar amb la seva amant i de lliurar-se completament l'un a l'altre. El cantant afirma que va ser fet per estimar la seva parella i viceversa. La tornada és especialment enganxosa, amb la repetició de la frase "I was made for lovin' you, baby / You were made for lovin' me / I can't get enough of you, baby / Can you get enough of me? "
El cantant està expressant que mai en tindrà prou de la seva amant i com espera que ella senti el mateix. La cançó suggereix una forta atracció física entre els dos amants, però, també és evident que hi ha una connexió emocional més profunda entre ells, amb el cantant dient "Girl, I was made for you / And girl, you were made for me (Noia, vaig ser fet per a tu / I noia, tu vas ser feta per a mi)".
El vídeo musical va ser filmat el 20 de juny de 1979 a Savannah, Geòrgia i va ser dirigit per John Goodhue. Després de la cancel·lació de l'espectacle, es va decidir utilitzar l'escenari preparat per filmar dos vídeos abans de desmuntar-lo.
Released: May 1979
Charted: US: #11 UK: #50
"I Was Made For Lovin' You" is a song by American hard rock band Kiss, originally released on their 1979 album, “Dynasty”. It was released as the first single from the album.
"I Was Made for Lovin' You" draws heavily from the disco style that was popular in late 1970s United States. According to legend, the members of the band were in conflict with their producers, who wanted the band to shift to a more commercial sound. In response, the band argued that lucrative disco songs could be written by anyone in a short time frame. The story goes that the demo of the song was completed within hours of the bet. When the single first came out, its mere existence was a betrayal to the rock populace and added fuel for the simmering “Disco sucks!” backlash that would boil over come the turn of the decade. Here were the authors of veritable odes-to-rockism “Rock and Roll All Nite” and “Detroit Rock City” laying down a mechanoid disco beat and singing helium-voiced harmonies. Sacrilege! Now that time has given us distance and disco has gone through various phases of retrospective reappraisal, it’s possible to consider this song on its own merits, divorced from the expectations of its authors and the rigid social dividing lines that turned separate musical genres into rival factions. It turns out, it’s actually a pretty awesome tune, and arguably one of the better singles Kiss put out.
The song is about a deep and passionate love between two people who were meant to be together. The lyrics express the intense desire of the singer to be with his lover and to give themselves completely to each other. The singer states that he was made for loving his partner and viceversa. The chorus is particularly catchy, with the repetition of the phrase "I was made for lovin' you, baby / You were made for lovin' me / And I can't get enough of you, baby / Can you get enough of me?" The singer is expressing how he can never have enough of his lover and how he hopes that they feel the same way. The song suggests a strong physical attraction between the two lovers, however, it is also clear that there is a deeper emotional connection between them, with the singer saying "Girl, I was made for you / And girl, you were made for me."
The music video was filmed on June 20, 1979, in Savannah, Georgia and was directed by John Goodhue. After the show was canceled it was decided to use the already completed stage to film two videos.
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