Publicat: 4 d'agost de 2023
La banda de pop elèctric i alternatiu de Los Angeles CANNONS ha llançat recentment el seu sensual nou senzill "Desire" abans del llançament del seu darrer projecte "Heartbeat Highway". La cançó està escrita i produïda pel grup.
La música nebulosa encapsula realment la lletra sensual que descriu el poder del desig i els aspectes físics i emocionals de la pena per algú que està gairebé fora de l'abast. La veu de la cantant Michelle Joy transporta els oients a un estat de somni. La cançó expressa un intens enyorament i enamorament per algú. La lletra descriu una profunda afecció per una persona que la cantant no pot i no vol deixar anar. La frase repetida "I can't stop thinking about you" (No puc deixar de pensar en tu) posa de relleu la naturalesa devoradora del seu desig. La cançó està plena de referències a les fortes emocions que experimenta la cantant. La frase "I'm hooked on you, honey, never letting you go" (Estic enganxada a tu, carinyo, no et deixaré marxar mai), suggereix una forta dependència emocional de la persona, incapaç d'alliberar-se de la seva presència captivadora. La lletra també esmenta estar "bathing inside your glow" (banyant-me dins del teu resplendor), cosa que indica que estar amb aquesta persona aporta una sensació de calidesa, felicitat i realització.
La tornada emfatitza repetidament els pensaments obsessius de la cantant, comparant el seu anhel amb la intensitat de les estrelles blaves. Aquesta línia suggereix un desig que la connexió i la passió que senten duri indefinidament. Després la lletra expressa una súplica desesperada per tornar als pensaments i al cor de la persona. La cantant confessa que ha estat constantment pensant en l'objecte del seu desig i es deixa portar completament per la seva presència. La frase "You spark a fire and I just can't deny" (Tu encenes un foc i jo no em puc negar) destaca l'atracció innegable i aclaparadora que sent cap a aquesta persona.
Parlant de la cançó, la banda va comentar: "'Desire' és una cançó infecciosament sexy sobre algú o alguna cosa fora del teu abast que encén la teva ànima i evoca un sentiment tan fort que no et pots contenir".
Released: August 4, 2023
Los Angeles-based alternative and electric pop band CANNONS recently released their sensual new single “Desire” ahead of the release of their latest project “Heartbeat Highway”. The track is written and produced by CANNONS and made its first debut during their Coachella set earlier this year. The band released an 80s-themed visualizer to pair with the new single and represents the band’s overall vibe for the single and the latest era of music.
The hazy instrumentals really encapsulate the sensual lyrics that describe desire’s power. The mesmerizing vocals of lead singer Michelle Joy transports listeners to a dream-like state. The song expresses an intense longing and infatuation for someone. The lyrics depict a deep attachment to a person that the singer is unable and unwilling to let go of. The repeated phrase "I can't stop thinking about you" highlights the all-consuming nature of their desire. The song is filled with references to the strong emotions the singer experiences. The line "I'm hooked on you, honey, never letting you go" suggests a strong emotional dependency on the person, unable to break free from their captivating presence. The lyrics also mention being "bathing inside your glow," indicating that being with this person brings a sense of warmth, happiness, and fulfillment.
The chorus repeatedly emphasizes the singer's obsessive thoughts, comparing their longing to the intensity of the stars burning blue. This line suggests a desire for the connection and passion they feel to last indefinitely. In the bridge, the lyrics express a desperate plea to be let back into the person's thoughts and heart. The singer confesses that they have been constantly thinking about the object of their desire and are completely carried away by their presence. The line "You spark a fire and I just can't deny" highlights the undeniable and overwhelming attraction they feel towards this person.
Speaking about the track, the band said, “‘Desire’ is an infectiously sexy song about someone or something out of your reach that sets your soul on fire and evokes a feeling so strong it cannot be contained.”
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