Publicació: 21 d'agost de 1989
Llistes: EUA: #2 Regne Unit: #18
"Lovesong" (també escrita com "Love Song") és una cançó de la banda anglesa The Cure, llançada com el tercer single del seu vuitè àlbum d'estudi de 1989, "Desintegration". La cançó va tenir un èxit considerable als Estats Units, on va arribar a la posició número dos a l'octubre de 1989 i es va convertir en l'única entrada de la banda en el Top 10 al Billboard Hot 100.
El cantant Robert Smith, la va escriure com a regal de noces per a la seva promesa, Mary Poole, poc abans de casar-se el 1988. Smith s'ha mantingut ferm en la seva devoció per Mary, a qui va conèixer a l'escola quan tenia 14 anys, salvant-li la vida traient-lo de l'abisme quan va passar per alguns períodes d'autodestrucció.
La cançó és un homenatge al poder de l'amor. Parla de com estar amb algú pot provocar un sentiment de pau i pertinença. El cantant reconeix la força de l'amor on no importa la distància que hi hagi entre ells, sempre romandran connectats per aquest amor. La tornada és la garantia que sempre estimaran l'altra persona, passi el que passi. És una bella declaració de devoció que resisteix la prova del temps i la distància. La lletra es va inspirar en les constants gires que va haver de fer Smith amb The Cure. Volia que la seva dona sabes que per molt que hagués de viatjar i actuar, sempre l'estimaria. I és tan bonic.
No hi ha un acord universal pel títol de "Lovesong", ja que varia entre "Lovesong" i "Love Song" en diversos llançaments oficials de The Cure. En el disseny original de 1989 per a l'àlbum "Disintegration" utilitza "Love Song" en el llistat de cançons i "Lovesong" a la lletra; el disseny revisat per a la remasterització del 2010 de l'àlbum utilitza constantment "Lovesong". Quan es va llançar com a senzill l'any 1989, la portada mostrava el títol "Lovesong", mentre que la impressió del propi vinil deia "Love Song".
Adele la va gravar al seu àlbum “21” del 2011. Va explicar a The Sun per què ho va fer: "El meu primer concert va ser The Cure a Finsbury Park, al qual em va portar la meva mare perquè és la seva gran fan".
La versió extesa de la cançó es va incloure a l'àlbum de remescles de les banda de 1990 "Mixed up, i és un gran mix, fins i tot millor que l'original. Amb el single es va publicar un vídeo musical amb la banda actuant dins d'una cova.
Released: August 21, 1989
Charted: US: #2 UK: #18
“Lovesong” (sometimes written as “Love Song") is a song by English band the Cure, released as the third single from their 1989 eighth studio album, “Desintegration”. The song saw considerable success in the United States, where it reached the number-two position in October 1989 and became the band's only top-10 entry on the Billboard Hot 100.
Cure lead singer Robert Smith wrote this as a wedding present for his fiancée, Mary Poole, shortly before they got married in 1988. Smith has remained steadfast in his devotion to Mary, whom he met at school when he was 14. He credits her with saving his life by pulling him out of the abyss when he went through some self-destructive periods.
The meaning of the song is a reminder of the power of love. The song is about how being with somebody can evoke a feeling of peace and belonging. The singer recognizes the strength of the love between them and no matter what distance may come between them, they will always remain connected by that love. The chorus serves as an assurance they will "always love" the other person, no matter what. It's a beautiful statement of devotion that stands against the test of time and distance.
The lyrics were inspired by the constant touring Smith had to go through with The Cure. He wanted his wife to know that no matter how much he had to travel and perform, he would always love her. And it’s so beautiful.
There is not a universally agreed-upon spacing method of the title of "Lovesong", as it varies between "Lovesong" and "Love Song" on many official Cure releases. The original 1989 artwork for the album “Disintegration” uses "Love Song" on the track listing and "Lovesong" on the lyrics sheet; the revised art for the 2010 remaster of the album consistently uses "Lovesong". When released as a single in 1989, the cover artwork displayed the title as "Lovesong", while the printing on the disc itself read "Love Song" all three times.
Adele recorded this on her 2011 album 21. She explained to The Sun why she covered it: "My first gig was the Cure in Finsbury Park, which my mum took me to as she's their biggest fan."
The extended mix version of the song was included on the bands 1990 remix album “Mixed up, and it’s a great mix, even better than the original. A music video featuring the band performing inside a cave was also released with the single.
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