Publicació: 16 de gener de 1981
Llistes: Regne Unit: #7
"The Return of the Los Palmas 7" és una cançó ska/pop de Madness, escrita per Mike Barson, Mark Bedford i Daniel Woodgate. Va marcar el debut de Woodgate com a compositor i va ser llançada el gener de 1981 com el tercer i últim single de l'àlbum "Absolutely". El llançament del senzill difereix lleugerament de la versió de l'àlbum on apareix com "Return of the Los Palmas 7" i és aproximadament 30 segons més curta.
"The Return of the Los Palmas 7" és predominantment instrumental, amb veus mínimes, inclosa la xerrameca de Chas Smash al principi, el so de "Waiter!" al voltant dels 42 segons de la pista, i un "Good night!" al final. La decisió de fer un altre tema instrumental va ser influenciada per l'èxit de "One Step Beyond..." i va ser encoratjada per Dave Robinson, el cap de Stiff Records, que va veure potencial en Madness per explorar aquest estil una mica més.
El vídeo musical filmat el gener de 1981, mostra diverses escenes. Les ubicacions principals inclouen el Venus Cafe a 95 Golborne Road, London W10 5NL i Kenwood Park al nord de Londres. El vídeo alterna entre un ambient de cafeteria cutre i una escena de restaurant amb els nois del la banda vestits elegantment. Una seqüència a meitat del vídeo retrata la banda vestida de vaquers a Kenwood Park. Donades les limitacions de temps, el vídeo es va fer només dues setmanes abans del llançament del senzill. Els clips aleatoris constitueixen una part important del vídeo, capturant diversos moments de la societat d’arreu. Curiosament, alguns d'aquests clips també apareixen al vídeo de la cançó "One Love" de Bob Marley, on Suggs i Chas Smash fan aparicions com a convidats.
A Espanya, com es va fer amb el senzill de “One Step Beyond…”, la cançó té una introducció en castellà que deia el següent: “Eh tu, te acuerdas de nosotros? Somos Madness. Si te sientes marchoso y vacilón no te desmarques, sigue en el rollo y pasa de todo con el regreso de los 7 palmas”.
Released: January 16, 1981
Charted: UK: #7
"The Return of the Los Palmas 7" is a ska/pop song by Madness, penned by Mike Barson, Mark Bedford, and Daniel Woodgate. It marked Woodgate's debut as a songwriter and was released on January 1981 as the third and final single from the album “Absolutely”. Notably, the single release differs slightly from the version on the album where it is listed as "Return of the Los Palmas 7" and is approximately 30 seconds shorter.
"The Return of the Los Palmas 7" is predominantly instrumental, featuring minimal vocals, including ad-libbing by Chas Smash at the beginning, the sound of "Waiter!" around 42 seconds into the track, and a "Good night!" at the very end. The inclination towards another instrumental track was influenced by the success of "One Step Beyond..." and was particularly encouraged by Dave Robinson, the head of Stiff Records, who saw potential in Madness exploring this style further.
The music video for "The Return of the Los Palmas 7," filmed in January 1981, showcases various scenes. The primary locations include the Venus Cafe at 95 Golborne Road, London W10 5NL, and Kenwood Park in North London. The video alternates between a greasy-spoon cafe setting and an elegant restaurant scene featuring the band. A distinctive mid-video sequence portrays the band dressed as cowboys in Kenwood Park. Given the time constraints, the video was created just two weeks before the single's release. Random clips make up a significant portion of the video, capturing various moments. Interestingly, some of these clips also appear in the video for Bob Marley's song "One Love," where Suggs and Chas Smash make guest appearances.
In Spain, as was done with the single from “One Step Beyond…”, the song has an introduction in Spanish that said the following: “Eh tu, te acuerdas de nosotros? Somos Madness. Si te sientes marchoso y vacilón no te desmarques, sigue en el rollo y pasa de todo con el regreso de los 7 palmas”. (Hey you, do you remember us? We are Madness. If you feel funky and lazy, don't give up because you don't give a damn about the rest, keep going with the return of the los 7 palmas.)
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