Released: November 29, 1971
"One of These Days" serves as the compelling opening track of Pink Floyd's 1971 album Meddle. Marked by an instrumental composition, the song features a notable spoken line from drummer Nick Mason: "One of these days, I'm going to cut you into little pieces." With its distinctive single-note bass riff, the track showcases Pink Floyd's prowess in using studio innovation to create a powerful and atmospheric piece, setting the tone for the band's exploration of the art-rock genre in the 1970s.
Dave Gilmour shared insights into the creation of "One of These Days" in Guitar World, noting its evolution from his experiments with the Binson delay unit. Roger Waters, intrigued by the techniques, applied them to the bass, resulting in the distinctive riff of the song. Gilmour also discussed the use of an H&H amp with vibrato for the middle section, creating a unique sound. Interestingly, Gilmour revealed that the opening bass section features a double track, with the first bass played by him and the second introduced by Roger Waters, albeit with a dull sound due to a lack of spare strings.
"One of These Days" became a concert staple during Pink Floyd's 1971–1973 and 1987–1994 tours. The Live at Pompeii version was renamed "One of These Days I'm Going to Cut You into Little Pieces," featuring the full spoken threat. The song was revived for the 1987–1989 A Momentary Lapse of Reason & Another Lapse tours and the 1994 Division Bell Tour, with David Gilmour on lap steel guitar and an ensemble of talented musicians. Live renditions were featured on the Delicate Sound of Thunder album and video (1988/1989), as well as the Pulse album and subsequent video releases (1995/2006/2019). Additionally, a live version appeared on the B-side of the "High Hopes/Keep Talking" double A-side single in 1994.
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