Publicació: març de 1977
Llistes: Regne Unit: #9 EUA: #4
"Easy" és una cançó de la banda nord-americana Commodores del seu cinquè àlbum d'estudi, "Commodores". El cantant Lionel Richie la va escriure, i es va convertir en un èxit per a la banda, portant-los al pop i al territori adult contemporani quan abans eren pur funk. Això va portar a èxits més suaus per a la banda com "Still" i "Three Times A Lady". Quan Richie va anar en solitari el 1981, es va convertir en una superestrella del pop suau amb cançons similars.
La cançó parla del dificil que pot ser la vida, però que també és important que et prenguis un moment per a tu mateix i gaudeixis d'un diumenge al matí tranquil. La lletra parla del dolor i les dificultats de la vida, però emfatitzen que està bé fer un descans i tenir calma i estar relaxat. La cançó transmet que és important prendre temps per a tu mateix, apreciar les petites coses i viure la vida al teu ritme.
El solo de guitarra, interpretat pel fundador del grup Thomas McClary, va ser complicat. Va explicar: "Quan tens frases en una cançó que diuen: 'Per què dimonis algú em posaria cadenes? He pagat les meves obligacions per fer-ho', has de fer coincidir la intensitat d'aquestes frases amb un so i una sensació que mostra musicalment la mateixa intensitat i el mateix context del que estàs dient. A moltes balades la cançó acabaria en el solo, però volíem que aquest solo de guitarra portés l’oient a un altre nivell d'intensitat. Així que, bàsicament, aquesta era la inspiració darrere del solo".
Cash Box la va anomenar "una balada bluesy que verifica la versatilitat i la professionalitat dels Commodores com a músics complets". Record World va dir que "els Commodores es converteixen en l'últim equip de r&b en canviar de marxa i oferir una balada. I han fet una de les seves millors melodies".
Released : March 1977
Charted: UK: #9 US: #4
"Easy" is a song by American band Commodores from their fifth studio album, “Commodores”. Lead singer Lionel Richie wrote this song, which became a crossover hit for the band, bringing them into pop and adult contemporary territory when they were previously pure funk. This led to more soft hits for the band like "Still" and "Three Times A Lady". When Richie went solo in 1981, he became a soft rock superstar with similar songs.
The song is about how life can be hard, but that's why it's important to take a moment for yourself and just enjoy a peaceful Sunday morning. The lyrics speak of the pain and hardships of life, but emphasize that it's ok to take a break and just be easy and relaxed. The song conveys that it is important to take time for yourself, appreciate the little things, and live life at your own pace.
The guitar solo, played by group founder Thomas McClary, was tricky business. He explained: "When you have lyrics in a song that say, 'Why in the world would anybody put chains on me? I've paid my dues to make it,' you have to match the intensity of those lyrics to a sound and a feel that musically portrays the same intensity and the same context of what you're saying. A lot of ballads, the song would just end, but we wanted the guitar solo to take it to another level of intensity. So that was basically the inspiration behind it."
Cash Box called it "a bluesy ballad that verifies the Commodores' versatility and professionalism as all-around musicians." Record World said that "the Commodores become the latest r&b outfit to shift gears and offer a ballad – it's one of their best melodies."
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