Publicació: 31 d'agost de 1983
Llistes: Regne Unit: #2 EUA: #1 (4 setmanes)
"All Night Long (All Night)" és un single d'èxit del cantant i compositor nord-americà Lionel Richie. Tret del seu segon àlbum en solitari de 1983, "Can't Slow Down", combinava l'estil commodores de Richie amb influències del Carib.
La cançó és un himne de festa alegre i contagiós que celebra l'alegria i la unitat que es troben en la música i el ball. La lletra anima els oients a deixar anar les seves preocupacions i submergir-se en un ambient festiu. Les primeres frases, ""Well, my friends, the time has come / To raise the roof and have some fun / Throw away the work to be done / Let the music play on" (Bé, amics meus, ha arribat l'hora / d'aixecar el cap i divertir-se / deixar la feina per fer / deixar que la música soni), marquen el to de la cançó. Suggereix que és hora de deixar-se anar, oblidar-se de les responsabilitats i gaudir dels plaers de la vida. La repetició de "play on" emfatitza la idea de deixar que la música prengui el control i gaudir sense inhibició. A mesura que la cançó avança, emfatitza en el poder de la música per unir la gent. La frase "Everybody sing, everybody dance / Lose yourself in wild romance" (tothom a cantar, tothom a ballar / deixat portar pel romanç) subratlla la naturalesa inclusiva de l'ambient de festa, on tothom pot participar, independentment de la seva trajectòria o estatus. La declaració reiterada "We're going to Party, Karamu, Fiesta, forever" (Anem a la Festa, Karamu, Festa, per sempre) posa de manifest el caràcter multicultural i universal de la celebració i l'experiència compartida de gaudir.
La tornada, "All night long, All night” (Tota la nit), és una tornada senzilla però enganxosa que fomenta que la celebració i el ball no s’aturin. Representa la idea de perdre la noció del temps i estar completament immers en el moment. La repetició de "All night" reforça el tema de gaudir sense límit i el poder de la música per crear una experiència atemporal i memorable. Al llarg de la cançó, Lionel Richie posa èmfasi en l'energia contagiosa i les vibracions positives de l'ambient de festa. Les referències a la gent que balla als carrers i sent el ritme als seus peus posen de manifest la naturalesa universal de la capacitat de la música per animar i inspirar l gent. La frase ""Feel it in your heart and feel it in your soul / Let the music take control" (Sent-ho al teu cor i sent-ho a la teva ànima / Deixa que la música prengui el control) parla del poder emocional i transformador de la música, que pot transportar les persones a un lloc de pura alegria i alliberament.
En els versos finals, la lletra incorpora algunes frases suahili com "Jambo Jumbo" i "Tam bo li de say de moi ya", que milloren encara més l'esperit multicultural i inclusiu de la cançó. Les referències a diferents tipus de festes i celebracions ("Karamu", "Fiesta", "Liming") parlen de la universalitat del ball i la gresca entre les cultures. Hi ha un ambient molt multicultural en aquesta cançó, ja que Richie esmenta paraules alegres en diferents idiomes. "Karamu" és una paraula suahili per a dir festa; "Liming" és un terme caribeny ue convida a reunir-se, i "Fiesta" ja sabem el que és. Richie va parlar a la revista Q sobre una part de la lletra: "Vaig trucar a l'ONU i vaig dir: 'Necessito alguna cosa africana per a la lletra d'aquesta cançó que estic escrivint". Em van informar que hi ha milers de dialectes africans diferents. No m'ho podia creure. Una regió no té ni idea de què està parlant l'altra. Així que, "Tambo liteh sette mo-jah!'? Ho vaig inventar. Ara crec que "Jambo" podria tenir un significat en suahili (com "hola"), però has d'anar amb compte perquè pot significar "benvingut" en un dialecte i et tallen el cap per dient-ho en un altre".
Richie es va trobar amb la incredulitat dels qui el rodejaven quan va revelar que estava llançant aquesta cançó amb ritme de Calypso. Va dir a Entertainment Weekly el 2014: "Fins i tot la meva pròpia companyia discogràfica em va dir:" Estàs malament del cap? I vaig respondre: "Nois, he viatjat pel món, i aquest és el ritme que tothom balla a les vacances".
Richie va interpretar "All Night Long (All Night)" a la cerimònia de clausura dels Jocs Olímpics d'estiu de 1984 a Los Angeles modificant una mica la lletra per a l’esdeveniment.
Released : August 31, 1983
Charted: UK: #2 US: #1 (4 weeks)
"All Night Long (All Night)" is a hit single by American singer and songwriter Lionel Richie. Taken from his 1983 second solo album, “Can't Slow Down”, it combined Richie's soulful Commodores style with Caribbean influences.
The song is an upbeat and infectious party anthem that celebrates the joy and unity found in music and dancing. The lyrics encourage listeners to let go of their worries and immerse themselves in the festive atmosphere. The opening lines, "Well, my friends, the time has come / To raise the roof and have some fun / Throw away the work to be done / Let the music play on", set the tone for the song. It suggests that it's time to let loose, forget about responsibilities, and indulge in the pleasures of life. The repetition of "play on" emphasizes the idea of letting the music take control and enjoying oneself without inhibition. As the song progresses, it emphasizes the power of music to bring people together. The line "Everybody sing, everybody dance / Lose yourself in wild romance" underscores the inclusive nature of the party atmosphere, where everyone can join in regardless of background or status. The repeated statement "We're going to Party, Karamu, Fiesta, forever" highlights the multicultural and universal nature of celebration and the shared experience of enjoyment.
The chorus, "All night long, All night," is a simple yet catchy refrain that encourages continuous celebration and dancing. It represents the idea of losing track of time and being fully immersed in the moment. The repetition of "All night long" reinforces the theme of lasting enjoyment and the power of music to create a timeless and memorable experience. Throughout the song, Lionel Richie emphasizes the infectious energy and positive vibes of the party atmosphere. References to people dancing in the streets and feeling the rhythm in their feet highlight the universal nature of music's ability to uplift and inspire. The line "Feel it in your heart and feel it in your soul / Let the music take control" speaks to the emotional and transformative power of music, which can transport individuals to a place of pure joy and liberation. In the final verses, the lyrics incorporate some Swahili phrases like "Jambo Jumbo" and "Tam bo li de say de moi ya," which further enhance the multicultural and inclusive spirit of the song. The references to different types of parties and celebrations ("Karamu," "Fiesta," "Liming") speak to the universality of dancing and revelry across cultures.
There is a very multicultural vibe to this song, as Richie mentions joyful words in different languages. "Karamu" is a Swahili word for a party accompanied by a feast; "Liming" is a Caribbean term for getting together, and "Fiesta" is Spanish for party. Richie explained to Q the lyric, "Tambo liteh sette mo-jah! Yo! Jambo jambo:" "I called the UN and said 'I need something African for the breakdown in this song I'm writing.' They informed me that there are thousands of different African dialects. I couldn't believe it. One region doesn't have any idea what the other is taking about. So, 'Tambo liteh sette mo-jah!'? I made it up on the spot. Now I think that 'Jambo' might have a meaning in Swahili (it does- "hello"), but you gotta be careful because it might mean 'welcome' in one dialect and you might get your head cut off for saying it in another."
Richie was met with incredulity when he revealed that he was releasing this Calypso-flavored song. He told Entertainment Weekly in 2014: "Even my own record company said to me, 'Are you out of your mind?' And I said, 'Guys, I've traveled the world. This is the rhythm that the whole world dances to on vacation.'"
Richie performed this song at the closing ceremony of the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles. Among the dancers was a young Cuba Gooding Jr., making his first appearance as an entertainer. For this performance, Richie wrote a different set of lyrics, which begin:
‘Hello to you all, these many who are here
Come and join me in this special cheer’.
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