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Publicació: 9 de juny de 1978

Llistes: Regne Unit: #1 (5 setmanes)    EUA: #1 (2 setmanes)

"Three Times a Lady" és una cançó de 1978 del grup de soul nord-americà Commodores per al seu àlbum "Natural High", escrita pel cantant Lionel Richie i produïda per James Anthony Carmichael i els Commodores.

"Three Times a Lady" és una balada sincera que expressa un profund agraïment i amor per algú que ha tingut un impacte indeleble en la vida del cantant. La lletra presenta una reflexió sobre els records estimats i un reconeixement al paper significatiu que ha tingut aquesta persona per fer que la vida tingui sentit i valgui la pena. el cantant agraeix a la persona el temps que han compartit i els records que han creat junts. La menció de "the end of our rainbow" (el final del nostre arc de Sant Martí) suggereix el compliment del seu viatge o relació. Significa arribar a un punt en què han experimentat una àmplia gamma d'emocions, alegries i reptes.

Lionel Richie va explicar en una entrevista de 1979 a la revista Blues & Soul: "La vaig escriure l'any 1978 i va tenir un significat molt personal per a mi. Vaig assistir a l'aniversari del casament dels meus pares i el meu pare va fer un discurs sobre com estimava la meva mare, i va apreciar la manera com havia estat al seu costat durant 37 anys. Va ser bonic i vaig començar a pensar en la meva pròpia vida i com la meva dona em manté al seu costat, com fa tantes coses sense que se li demanin ni agraeixin. Així que vaig escriure "Three Times A Lady" com a dedicatòria a la meva dona i a la meva mare. Crec que la meva veïna ho va resumir quan va dir que si un home li volia comprar un regal, tot el que necessitava era comprar-li aquest disc i no dir res més".

Aquesta va ser una cançó innovadora per als Commodores i per a Lionel Richie com a compositor. Va passar a formats pop, easy listening i fins i tot country, preparant l'escenari per a més èxits de Commodores en la mateixa línia i sobretot per l'èxit massiu en solitari de Lionel Richie. En la mateixa entrevista de Blues & Soul, Richie va dir: "La cançó m'ha donat tanta satisfacció personal. Crec que el somni de tots els compositors és ser totalment acceptat. I per la quantitat de premis que ha guanyat la cançó, sembla que al món sencer li encanta. És una sensació fantàstica".

Al Regne Unit, "Three Times a Lady" va ser el major èxit per a Motown Records mantenint-se al número 1 durant cinc setmanes.


Released : June 9, 1978

Charted:  UK: #1 (5 weeks)  US: #1 (2 weeks)

"Three Times a Lady" is a 1978 song by American soul group Commodores for their album “Natural High”, written by lead singer Lionel Richie. It was produced by James Anthony Carmichael and Commodores.

"Three Times a Lady" is a heartfelt ballad that expresses deep gratitude and love for someone who has had an indelible impact on the singer's life. The lyrics present a reflection on cherished memories and a recognition of the significant role this person has played in making life meaningful and worth living. the singer thanks the person for the times they have shared and the memories they have created together. The mention of "the end of our rainbow" suggests the fulfillment of their journey or relationship. It signifies reaching a point where they have experienced a wide range of emotions, joys, and challenges.

Lionel Richie explained in a 1979 interview with Blues & Soul magazine: "I wrote it back in 1978 and it was a very personal meaning to me. I attended the wedding anniversary of my parents and my father made a speech about how much he loved my mother and appreciated the way she had stood beside him for 37 years. It was beautiful and I started to think about my own life and how my wife stands by me, how she does so many things without being asked or thanked. So, I wrote 'Three Times A Lady' as a dedication to my wife and my mother. I think my next door neighbor summed it up when she said that if a man wanted to buy her a present, all he need do is buy her that record and he wouldn't have to say anything else."

This was a breakthrough song for the Commodores and for Lionel Richie as a songwriter. It crossed over to pop, easy listening and even country formats, setting the stage for further Commodores hits and Richie's massive solo success. In the same Blues & Soul interview, Richie said: "The song has given me so much personal satisfaction. I think it is every songwriter's dream to be totally accepted. And from the masses of awards that the song has won, it seems that the whole world really does love that song. It's a great feeling."

In the UK, this was the biggest UK hit for Motown Records staying at number one for five weeks. 

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