Publicació: 11 de novembre de 1977
Llistes: Regne Unit: #1 (9 setmanes)
“Mull of Kintyre” ocupa un lloc especial en la discografia de Wings com una cançó escrita per Paul McCartney i Denny Laine per retre homenatge a la pintoresca península de Kintyre, a Escòcia, on McCartney posseeix la granja High Park Farm des de 1966. El single va aconseguir un èxit notable al Regne Unit, convertint-se en el hit més important de Wings al país. Va arribar al preuat número u de Nadal el 1977 i es va convertir en un dels senzills més venuts de tots els temps al Regne Unit, superant els dos milions de còpies venudes a nivell nacional.
“Mull of Kintyre” es va enregistrar el 9 d’agost de 1977 a Spirit of Ranachan Studio, situat a High Park Farm, a Escòcia. Aquesta gravació va tenir lloc durant una pausa en les sessions de l’àlbum “London Town” a causa de l’embaràs avançat de Linda McCartney. La cançó inclou el so distintiu de les gaites Great Highland, tocades per la Campbeltown Pipe Band, procedent de la propera localitat de Campbeltown. Les veus de McCartney i la seva guitarra acústica es van gravar a l’aire lliure, donant a la cançó un aire natural. Publicada com a single de doble cara A l’11 de novembre de 1977, juntament amb “Girls’ School”, la peça va aconseguir un èxit significatiu independentment de l’àlbum.
La cançó es va començar a gestar el 1974, apareixent en una maqueta inicial coneguda com “The Piano Tape”. Composada inicialment al piano, la lletra, que ja incloïa la tornada completa i alguns fragments que més tard formarien part de la versió final, ja estaven presents en aquesta etapa inicial. La primera estrofa, que també actua com a tornada recurrent, expressa admiració per la bellesa natural de la regió del Mull of Kintyre i el sentiment de llar que evoca. McCartney va explicar que la cançó era una oda d’amor a la zona on vivien, capturant la seva estima per Escòcia i el seu desig de ser-hi, fins i tot quan era lluny.
El videoclip oficial va ser dirigit per Michael Lindsay-Hogg i filmat a Saddell Bay, al costat est de la península de Kintyre. La ubicació estava a uns set quilòmetres de High Park Farm, on es va enregistrar la cançó, i el vídeo es va rodar uns dos mesos després de la gravació. Al vídeo, Paul McCartney, Linda McCartney i Denny Laine interpreten la cançó amb el paisatge escènic de Saddell Bay de fons. La Campbeltown Pipe Band hi apareix, marxant i tocant a la platja. El vídeo acaba amb una cantada al voltant d’una foguera, amb la participació d’extres de Campbeltown. Aquesta representació visual va augmentar l’atractiu de la cançó i es va emetre en nou edicions regulars de Top of the Pops mentre “Mull of Kintyre” ocupava la primera posició.
Per atendre les preferències del públic nord-americà, Paul McCartney va incloure “Girls’ School”, una cançó rock de to semi-pornogràfic, com a cara B del senzill. Malgrat que “Mull of Kintyre” es va convertir en un èxit massiu en diverses parts del món, no va aconseguir el mateix nivell d’èxit als Estats Units. Tot i això, “Girls’ School” va aconseguir arribar al Top 40 nord-americà.
Released : November 11, 1977
Charts: UK: #1 (9 weeks)
"Mull of Kintyre" holds a special place in Wings' discography as a song written by Paul McCartney and Denny Laine to pay homage to the picturesque Kintyre peninsula in Scotland, where McCartney has owned High Park Farm since 1966. The single achieved remarkable success in the UK, becoming Wings' most significant hit in the country. It secured the coveted Christmas number one spot in 1977 and went on to become one of the best-selling singles of all time in the United Kingdom, surpassing two million copies in sales nationwide.
"Mull of Kintyre" was recorded on August 9, 1977, at Spirit of Ranachan Studio, located at High Park Farm in Scotland. This recording took place during a break in the sessions for the London Town album due to Linda McCartney's advanced pregnancy. The song featured the distinctive sound of Great Highland bagpipes played by the Campbeltown Pipe Band from the nearby town of Campbeltown. Paul McCartney's vocals and acoustic guitar were recorded outdoors, adding to the song's organic and natural feel. Released as a double A-sided single on November 11, 1977, alongside "Girls' School," the track became a significant success independently of the album.
"Mull of Kintyre" originated in 1974, featuring on an early home demo known as "The Piano Tape." Initially composed on the piano, the song's lyrics, primarily the completed chorus and some fragments that would later be part of the final version, were already present at this early stage. The first verse, which also serves as the recurring chorus, expresses admiration for the natural beauty of the Mull of Kintyre region and the sense of home it evokes. McCartney shared that the song was a love ode to the area where they lived, capturing his appreciation for Scotland and his desire to be there, even when away.
The official music video was directed by Michael Lindsay-Hogg and filmed at Saddell Bay on the eastern side of the Kintyre peninsula. The location was approximately seven miles from High Park Farm, where the song was recorded, and the video was shot about two months after the song's recording. In the video, Paul McCartney, Linda McCartney, and Denny Laine perform the song against the scenic backdrop of Saddell Bay. The Campbeltown Pipe Band is featured, marching and playing on the beach. The video concludes with a bonfire singalong, including extras from Campbeltown. This visual representation added to the song's appeal and was showcased on nine regular editions of Top of the Pops when "Mull of Kintyre" held the number one position.
In an effort to cater to the American audience's potential preference, Paul McCartney included "Girl's School", a semi-pornographic rocker, as the B-side of the single. Despite the success of "Mull of Kintyre" becoming a massive hit in various parts of the world, it did not achieve the same level of success in the United States. However, "Girl's School" did manage to crack the US top 40.
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