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Estrenada: juny de 1988

Llistes: Regne Unit: #24   EUA: #7 

"Never Tear Us Apart" és una balada de la banda de rock australiana INXS, llançada el juny de 1988 com el quart senzill del seu àlbum "Kick" (1987).

Michael Hutchence, el cantant d'INXS, va escriure la lletra describint un lligam durador entre dues persones. Malgrat les seves relacions apassionades, incloent-hi aquelles amb celebritats com Kylie Minogue i Helena Christensen, Hutchence mai es va casar. No obstant això, va tenir una filla amb Paula Yates el 1996.

Andrew Farriss, el multiinstrumentista d'INXS, va composar la música. Reflexionant sobre la creació de la cançó com un homenatge a Michael Hutchence en el que hauria estat el seu 50è aniversari, Farriss va compartir la història: "El 1986, em vaig asseure davant d'un piano i vaig començar a treballar en els acords que eventualment esdevindrien 'Never Tear Us Apart.' Intuint el seu potencial, li vaig demanar la seva opinió a Michael. Va expressar la seva admiració per ella, així que vaig enregistrar una demo en estil blues. Vaig presentar la demo a Michael, i la lletra que va escriure van ser realment inspirada i directa al cor. Entenc el profund significat d'aquella lletra per a ell. Transmet un missatge d'amor personal que era molt del moment."

Farriss va destacar encara més l'impacte de la cançó, afirmant: "Quina lletra tan increïble. 'Never Tear Us Apart' ha estat versionada per nombrosos artistes arreu del món, i la seva popularitat és impressionant. Continua sent sol·licitada per a diverses ocasions, des de programes de reality fins a esdeveniments importants com funerals, naixements i casaments. És una d'aquelles composicions atemporals."

El vídeo musical dirigit per Richard Lowenstein i filmat a Praga, es va distanciar dels vídeos anteriors de la banda optant per plans seqüència llargs en lloc d'efectes especials. El vídeo inclou una llarga introducció, afegint aproximadament 40 segons per a una àmplia presa de contacte abans que Michael Hutchence faci la seva aparició.

La cançó inclou dues pauses deliberades, primer a 0:48 i novament a 1:49. Durant les interpretacions en directe, especialment la segona parada, la banda sovint allargava la pausa, creant expectació entre l'audiència. El guitarrista Tim Farriss reiniciaria la cançó amb el seu riff de guitarra, sovint acompanyat del solo de saxòfon de Kirk Pengilly, que a vegades el veiem aventurar-se a l'audiència per tocar.

Tràgicament, Michael Hutchence va morir el 1997 als 37 anys. Al seu servei funerari, el seu taüt va ser portat fora de la catedral de St. Andrews pels membres restants d'INXS i el seu germà més jove, Rhett, mentre sonava "Never Tear Us Apart" de fons, servint com un emotiu homenatge al carismàtic frontman de la banda.


Released: June 1988

Charted: UK: #24   US: #7 

"Never Tear Us Apart" is a ballad by Australian rock band INXS, released in June 1988 as the fourth single from their album "Kick" (1987).

Michael Hutchence, the lead singer of INXS, wrote the lyrics for "Never Tear Us Apart," describing an enduring bond between two individuals. Despite his passionate relationships, including those with celebrities like Kylie Minogue and Helena Christensen, Hutchence never married. However, he did have a daughter with Paula Yates in 1996.

Andrew Farriss, the multi-instrumentalist of INXS, composed the music for the song. Reflecting on the song's creation as a tribute to Michael Hutchence on what would have been his 50th birthday, Farriss shared the backstory: "In 1986, I sat down at an upright piano and began working on the chords that would eventually evolve into 'Never Tear Us Apart.' Sensing its potential, I asked Michael for his opinion. He expressed his admiration for it, so I recorded a blues-style demo. I presented the demo to Michael, and the eventual lyrics he penned were truly inspired and straight from the heart. I understand how deeply meaningful those lyrics were to him. They conveyed a personal love message that was very much of the moment."

Farriss further emphasized the impact of the song, stating, "What an incredible lyric. 'Never Tear Us Apart' has been covered by numerous artists worldwide, and its enduring popularity is astounding. It continues to be requested for various occasions, from reality TV shows to significant life events like deaths, births, and marriages. It's just one of those timeless compositions."

The "Never Tear Us Apart" music video, directed by Richard Lowenstein and shot in Prague, diverged from the band's previous videos by opting for long tracking shots over special effects. The video features an extended intro, adding approximately 40 seconds for a sweeping establishing shot before Michael Hutchence makes his appearance.

The song includes two deliberate stops, first at :48 and then again at 1:49. During live performances, particularly the second stop, the band would often extend the pause, creating anticipation among the audience. Guitarist Tim Farriss would initiate the restart with his guitar lick, often accompanied by Kirk Pengilly's saxophone solo, which sometimes saw him venturing into the audience to play.

Tragically, Michael Hutchence passed away in 1997 at the age of 37. At his funeral service, his coffin was carried out of St. Andrews Cathedral by the remaining members of INXS and his younger brother Rhett, while "Never Tear Us Apart" played in the background, serving as a poignant tribute to the charismatic frontman.

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