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Released: January 11, 1980

Charted:  US: #15 

"Refugee" by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers was released in January 1980 as the second single from their album "Damn the Torpedoes." Written by Heartbreakers guitarist Mike Campbell with lyrics by Tom Petty, the song peaked at No. 15 on the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart. It became a staple in the band's live performances, notably closing out their set at Live Aid in 1985.

Tom Petty's reflection on "Refugee" sheds light on the song's origins and its thematic underpinnings. Born out of frustration and defiance in response to the pressures of the music industry, particularly a dispute with the record company, the track served as a form of catharsis for Petty. His anger and disillusionment with the system permeated the tone of the "Damn the Torpedoes" album, of which "Refugee" was a standout track. 

Mike Campbell's insights into the recording process of "Refugee" highlight the challenges the band faced in capturing the right vibe for the track. In spite of Tom Petty's straightforward approach to writing lyrics over the music as it was, the band encountered difficulties in nailing down the feel of the song during the recording sessions. Campbell's departure from the studio out of frustration underscores the intensity of the pressure they were under. However, upon regrouping, they ultimately succeeded in overcoming their obstacles and achieving the desired result.

Mike Campbell's recollection underscores the uncertainty that often accompanies the release of a song. Despite the band's confidence in the quality of "Refugee," they were unsure about its potential success until positive feedback from unexpected sources, like the receptionist at the studio, suggested otherwise. Campbell's insight highlights the multifaceted nature of a hit record, influenced not only by the song's merits but also by external factors such as timing, audience expectations, and cultural relevance.

The decision to create a music video for "Refugee" to avoid appearing on The Merv Griffin Show ended up having unexpected benefits when MTV launched in 1981. The video gained significant airplay on the network, providing Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers with additional exposure and a platform to reach a broader audience.

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