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Released: July 29, 1989

Charted:  US: #23    UK: #55 

"Runnin' Down a Dream" is a song co-written and recorded by Tom Petty. Released in July 1989 as the second single from his first solo album “Full Moon Fever”, it achieved moderate chart success, reaching number 23 on both the US Billboard Hot 100 and the Canadian charts. Additionally, it topped the Billboard Album Rock Tracks chart. "Full Moon Fever" was released as a solo album by Tom Petty, but it featured contributions from all the Heartbreakers except drummer Stan Lynch. 

"Runnin' Down a Dream" is Tom Petty's ode to pursuing his dreams, inspired by his encounter with Elvis Presley in 1961. As an 11-year-old, Petty witnessed Elvis on the set of the film Follow That Dream in Ocala, Florida, where he saw firsthand the mesmerizing effect Elvis had on people. This encounter ignited Petty's passion for music and set him on the path to becoming a rock musician, following in Elvis's footsteps.

"Runnin' Down a Dream," was driven by a heavy riff crafted by Mike Campbell, initially written in a different time signature but straightened out by Petty before taking it to producer Jeff Lynne. Campbell also delivered the song's fiery guitar solo, capturing a blend of searing held notes and frenetic shredding in just one take. 

Petty infused the hard-charging track with vivid lyrics celebrating the freedom of cruising down the highway, reflecting his profound connection to the essence of rock & roll. Petty once remarked, "To me, American music was all about listening in the car." The line "Me and Del were singin,' little 'Runaway'" references the 1961 Del Shannon hit "Runaway." Shannon is credited for "barnyard noises" on the album, heard just after the song ends. These noises, along with a message from Tom Petty, mark the middle of the album and were included as an interlude for CD listeners, who don't need to flip over a record or tape. 

The music video was directed by Jim Lenahan and featured animation inspired by the classic comic strip "Little Nemo in Slumberland" by Winsor McCay. Animated by Allan & Wilson Animation Studio and Anivision Ltd., the video depicts Tom Petty and a character resembling Flip journeying through Slumberland. The animation style mirrors McCay's artwork. Additionally, the 1933 film "King Kong" is referenced, with Petty atop the Chrysler Building attempting to swat oversized mosquitoes, reminiscent of Kong swatting at biplanes in the film.


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