Publicació: 23 de novembre de 1973
Llistes: Regne Unit: #8
“Step Into Christmas” és una cançó nadalenca publicada el 23 de novembre de 1973 com a single independent, amb “Ho, Ho, Ho (Who’d Be a Turkey at Christmas)” com a cara B. Escrita per Elton John i el seu lletrista habitual Bernie Taupin, es va concebre com un agraïment als fans després d’un any d’èxit que incloïa dos àlbums destacats: “Don’t Shoot Me I’m Only the Piano Player” i “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road”.
La cançó es va escriure i gravar en un sol dia als Trident Studios de Londres el 1973, inspirada en un riff del guitarrista Davey Johnstone. Tot i obtenir molta difusió radiofònica inicialment, només va arribar al lloc número 24 al Regne Unit i no va entrar a les llistes nord-americanes. Amb el temps, però, “Step Into Christmas” es va consolidar com un clàssic nadalenc i, gràcies a les dades d’streaming, va reaparèixer anualment a les llistes britàniques, aconseguint el Top 10 per primera vegada el desembre de 2018.
Amb una melodia alegre i una lletra plena d’imatges festives com campanes i grèvol, “Step Into Christmas” és un himne pop nadalenc que menciona la paraula “Christmas” fins a 20 vegades. Elton John, al llibre Elton John in His Own Words, la va descriure com un projecte lleuger i divertit, ja que era la primera vegada que componien una cançó específica per ser un senzill.
Kiki Dee, que més tard faria duo amb Elton a “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart”, va cantar els cors. Els membres de la seva banda, com el guitarrista Jo Partridge, van participar en les veus de suport al costat de la banda d’Elton—Davey Johnstone, Dee Murray i Nigel Olsson—mentre que el bateria Roger Pope tocava el tamborí. El productor Gus Dudgeon i l’enginyer David Hentschel van afegir un efecte de so de ren després de la frase “the admission’s free”, utilitzant un sintetitzador ARP.
El videoclip mostra la banda interpretant-la en un estudi de gravació, amb Elton John tocant un piano decorat amb una boa de plomes vermelles. El lletrista Bernie Taupin apareix breument tocant campanes tubulars, tot i que aquesta part va ser interpretada per Ray Cooper al tema original. El vídeo també inclou moments humorístics, com Elton sostenint una targeta de suport del Watford F.C. (el club de futbol que més tard en seria propietari) i tocant la guitarra amb Nigel Olsson, a qui abraça afectuosament.
Released: November 23, 1973
Charts: UK: #8
“Step into Christmas” is a Christmas song released in November 1973 as a stand-alone single with “Ho, Ho, Ho (Who’d Be a Turkey at Christmas)” as the B-side. Written by Elton John and lyricist Bernie Taupin, the song served as a thank-you to fans after a successful year marked by two hit albums: “Don’t Shoot Me I’m Only the Piano Player” and “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road”.
“Step Into Christmas” was written and recorded in a single day at London’s Trident Studios in 1973, inspired by a riff from guitarist Davey Johnstone. Despite heavy airplay, the single initially peaked at #24 in the UK and did not chart in the US. Over time, it gained popularity on holiday playlists and became a seasonal staple. With the inclusion of streaming data, the song began re-entering the UK charts annually, reaching the Top 10 for the first time in December 2018.
In “Step Into Christmas,” Elton John delivers an upbeat holiday anthem, filled with festive imagery like sleigh bells and mistletoe. Written at the height of his creative peak, the song is structured as a classic pop tune and mentions “Christmas” 20 times. Elton described it as a fun, lighthearted project, explaining in Elton John in His Own Words that it was their first song specifically tailored to be a single.
Kiki Dee, who later duetted with Elton John on “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart,” sang backup on “Step Into Christmas.” Her band members, including guitarist Jo Partridge, joined Elton’s band—Davey Johnstone, Dee Murray, and Nigel Olsson—on background vocals, while drummer Roger Pope played tambourine. Producer Gus Dudgeon and engineer David Hentschel added a “reindeer” sound after the first “the admission’s free” line, with Hentschel playing the ARP synthesizer to create the effect.
The music video shows the band performing in a recording studio, with Elton John playing piano decorated with a red feather boa. Lyricist Bernie Taupin makes a brief cameo playing tubular bells, though the part on the track was performed by percussionist Ray Cooper. The video also features Elton playfully holding a supporter’s card for Watford F.C., the football club he would later own. In other lighthearted moments, Elton is seen playing guitar alongside drummer Nigel Olsson, embracing him, and holding drumsticks comically in his mouth.
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