Publicada: 12 de gener de 2023
Classificació als rànquings: EUA: #1 (8 setmanes), Regne Unit: #1 (10 setmanes)
“Flowers” és una cançó de Miley Cyrus, llançada com a single principal del seu vuitè àlbum, “Endless Summer Vacation”. Va debutar el 12 de gener de 2023 en algunes regions i globalment l’endemà, sota el segell Columbia Records. Escrita per Cyrus, Gregory Aldae Hein i Michael Pollack, la cançó va ser produïda per Kid Harpoon i Tyler Johnson.
El tema és una cançó pop amb elements de disco, rock i funk, on Miley Cyrus reflexiona sobre com superar una relació passada i acceptar la seva independència. La lletra transmet la seva acceptació de ser autosuficient i de no necessitar una exparella per sentir-se plena.
Cyrus i l’actor australià Liam Hemsworth es van conèixer durant el rodatge de “The Last Song”, iniciant una relació turbulenta que va incloure dos compromisos i un matrimoni al desembre de 2018. El matrimoni va acabar després de només vuit mesos, i el divorci es va finalitzar al gener de 2020. A la cançó, Miley reflexiona sobre l’alegria que inicialment definia la seva relació amb Hemsworth, assenyalant com va passar de ser ideal a estar trencada, simbolitzada per la pèrdua de la seva casa a Califòrnia durant l’incendi Woolsey de 2018. La frase, “We were good, we were gold… Built a home and watched it burn” (Érem bons, érem daurats... Hem construït una casa i hem vist com cremava), captura aquesta transformació. L’incendi, que va devastar la seva casa, serveix com a metàfora de com el seu matrimoni es va “consumir”, reflectint la ruptura de la seva unió.
La tornada subratlla l’autoestima i l’empoderament, amb Cyrus declarant la seva capacitat de satisfer les seves pròpies necessitats en lloc de dependre d’una parella que podria haver descuidat la relació. Frases com “I can buy myself flowers” i “I can love me better than you can” (Puc comprar-me flors" i "Puc estimar-me millor que tu) reflecteixen l’afirmació de Cyrus sobre el seu propi valor i la determinació de prioritzar l’autocura. Les flors serveixen com a símbol de l’amor i l’atenció que ha après a oferir-se a si mateixa, subratllant el missatge d’independència i respecte propi de la cantant.
El concepte de la cançó va sorgir de la paraula “flowers”, a partir de la qual van fluir la resta de frases de manera natural. Miley Cyrus, juntament amb els coautors Pollack i Aldae, només van tenir dificultats amb la frase: “I didn’t wanna leave you, I didn’t wanna lie” (No et volia deixar, no volia mentir). Finalment van crear la frase “Started to cry but then remembered I” (Vaig començar a plorar però després em vaig recordar) que Pollack va descriure com essencial per equilibrar l’empoderament amb un toc de tristesa i vulnerabilitat. Pollack va assenyalar que deixar la frase incompleta crea una subtil intriga que atrau els oients cap a la potent tornada.
Miley Cyrus va llançar el videoclip el 12 de gener de 2023 al seu canal Vevo. Dirigit per Jacob Bixenman i filmat per Marcell Rév, el vídeo comença amb vistes panoràmiques de Los Angeles i mostra Cyrus caminant amb confiança per un pont a Elysian Park. A casa seva, es despulla quedant-se en roba interior, neda, fa exercici, es dutxa i balla, acabant al terrat on balla mentre un helicòpter passa per sobre.
Released: January 12, 2023
Charts: US: #1 (8 weeks) UK: #1 (10 weeks)
“Flowers” is a song by Miley Cyrus, released as the lead single from her eighth album, “Endless Summer Vacation”. It debuted on January 12, 2023, in some regions and globally the next day, under Columbia Records. Co-written by Cyrus, Gregory Aldae Hein, and Michael Pollack, the track was produced by Kid Harpoon and Tyler Johnson.
The song is a pop track with disco, rock, and funk elements, where Miley Cyrus reflects on moving on from a past relationship and embracing her independence. The lyrics convey her acceptance of being self-reliant and not needing an ex-partner to feel fulfilled.
Cyrus and Australian actor Liam Hemsworth met on the set of The Last Song, starting a turbulent relationship that included two engagements and a marriage in December 2018. The marriage ended after just eight months, with their divorce finalized in January 2020. In the song, Miley Cyrus reflects on the joy that once defined her relationship with Liam Hemsworth, noting how it turned from ideal to broken, symbolized by losing their California home in the 2018 Woolsey Fire. The lyrics, “We were good, we were gold… Built a home and watched it burn,” capture this transformation. The fire, which devastated their home, serves as a metaphor for how their marriage ultimately “burned out,” mirroring the collapse of their union.
The chorus emphasizes self-love and empowerment, with Cyrus declaring her ability to fulfill her own needs rather than depending on a partner who may have neglected the relationship. Lyrics like “I can buy myself flowers” and “I can love me better than you can” reflect Cyrus’s affirmation of her own worth and determination to prioritize self-care. Flowers serve as a symbol of the love and attention she has learned to provide herself, underscoring the pop star’s message of independence and self-respect.
The concept for the song originated with the word “flowers,” from which the rest of the lyrics flowed naturally. Miley Cyrus, along with co-writers Pollack and Aldae, struggled only with the line at the end of the pre-chorus: “I didn’t wanna leave you, I didn’t wanna lie.” They eventually crafted the line, “Started to cry but then remembered I,” which Pollack described as essential for balancing the song’s empowerment with a touch of sadness and vulnerability. Pollack noted that leaving the sentence incomplete creates a subtle cliffhanger that draws listeners into the powerful chorus.
Miley Cyrus released the music video on January 12, 2023, on her Vevo channel. Directed by Jacob Bixenman and filmed by Marcell Rév, the video opens with sweeping views of Los Angeles and shows Cyrus confidently walking across a bridge in Elysian Park. At her house, she strips to her bra and underwear, swims, exercises, showers, and dances, eventually moving outdoors and dancing on her roof as a helicopter flies overhead.
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