Llançament: 5 de novembre de 2013
Llistes d’èxits: Regne Unit: #7 | EUA: #11
“Underneath the Tree” és una cançó de Nadal de Kelly Clarkson inclosa al seu àlbum nadalenc de 2013, “Wrapped in Red”. Coescrita amb el productor Greg Kurstin, la cançó expressa gratitud per la companyia d’una persona estimada durant les festes, descrivint-la com l’únic regal necessari “sota l’arbre”. Amb campanetes, sons de ximbombes i una producció inspirada en el Wall of Sound, la cançó crea una atmosfera festiva i alegre.
Greg Kurstin es va inspirar en “A Charlie Brown Christmas” del Vince Guaraldi Trio i en “A Christmas Gift for You” de Phil Spector per crear “Underneath the Tree”. Influenciat pel Wall of Sound de Spector, Kurstin va utilitzar instruments vintage com el mellotron i el Chamberlin, enregistrant-los a distància per aconseguir l’efecte desitjat. En comptes de coristes, va fer que Kelly Clarkson enregistrés totes les parts vocals ella mateixa, generant un so coral. Clarkson, que havia cantat en cors de petita, va gaudir del repte d’harmonitzar amb les seves pròpies veus, descrivint-ho com una experiència divertida i única.
Per a l’àlbum “Wrapped in Red”, Kelly Clarkson es va inspirar inicialment en la banda sonora tradicional del film de 1954 “White Christmas”. No obstant, va aprofitar el projecte per explorar diferents estils musicals. En una entrevista amb Billboard el 2013, Clarkson va afirmar que crear un àlbum de Nadal li va donar llibertat total, dient: “No hi ha límits! Podem fer el que vulguem!”
Abans del llançament de “Wrapped in Red”, RCA Records va estrenar un vídeo líric animat de “Underneath the Tree” amb imatges festives com patinadors sobre gel, pobles nevats i arbres de Nadal. El vídeo va rebre crítiques positives, i Sam Lansky d’Idolator va elogiar la seva capacitat per intensificar l’energia i l’alegria de la cançó. El vídeo musical oficial, dirigit per Hamish Hamilton, es va estrenar el 3 de desembre de 2013 a Vevo i mostrava una actuació en directe durant l’especial de NBC, Kelly Clarkson’s Cautionary Christmas Music Tale.
Released: November 5, 2013
Charts: UK: #7 US: #11
“Underneath the Tree” is a Christmas song by Kelly Clarkson from her 2013 holiday album “Wrapped in Red”. Co-written with producer Greg Kurstin, the track expresses gratitude for a loved one’s companionship during the holidays, describing them as the only gift needed “underneath the tree.” Featuring sleigh bells, chimes, and a Wall of Sound production, the song creates a festive and joyful holiday atmosphere.
Greg Kurstin drew inspiration from “A Charlie Brown Christmas” by the Vince Guaraldi Trio and “A Christmas Gift for You” from Phil Spector for “Underneath the Tree.” Influenced by Phil Spector’s Wall of Sound, Kurstin used vintage instruments like the mellotron and Chamberlin, miking them from a distance to achieve the effect. Instead of using background singers, he had Kelly Clarkson record all the vocal parts herself, creating a choir-like sound. Clarkson, who sang in a chorus as a child, enjoyed the challenge of blending her own harmonies, describing it as a unique and fun experience.
For her “Wrapped in Red” album, Kelly Clarkson drew initial inspiration from the traditional pop-leaning soundtrack of the 1954 film “White Christmas”. However, she used the project as a chance to explore various musical styles. Clarkson shared with Billboard in 2013 that creating a Christmas album allowed her freedom from genre constraints, saying, “There are no limitations! We can do whatever we want!”
Ahead of “Wrapped in Red”‘s release, RCA Records debuted an animated lyric video for “Underneath the Tree,” featuring festive visuals like ice skating, snow-covered towns, and Christmas trees. The video received positive feedback, with Idolator‘s Sam Lansky praising its ability to enhance the song’s “high-octane Yuletide cheer.” The official music video, directed by Hamish Hamilton, premiered on December 3, 2013, on Vevo and showcased a live performance from Clarkson’s NBC special, Kelly Clarkson’s Cautionary Christmas Music Tale.
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