Llançament: 16 d’agost de 1980
Posicions en llistes: EUA: #1 (3 setmanes), Regne Unit: #1 (3 setmanes)
“Woman in Love” és una cançó d’èxit interpretada per Barbra Streisand, llançada com a senzill principal del seu àlbum de 1980 “Guilty”. Escrita per Barry i Robin Gibb dels Bee Gees, es va convertir en una de les més reeixides de Streisand, arribant al primer lloc de la llista Billboard Hot 100 durant tres setmanes. Aquest èxit va ajudar a consolidar “Guilty” com un dels àlbums més icònics de la seva carrera. El videoclip de “Woman in Love” incloïa fragments de la pel·lícula “A Star Is Born” i altres pel·lícules de Streisand dels anys 70.
“Woman in Love” és una balada on Streisand retracta una dona aclaparada per un amor intens. Va descriure la cançó com una de les millors cançons d’amor, destacant-ne la passió, emoció i autenticitat. Tot i això, Barry Gibb va revelar que Streisand va necessitar certa persuasió per gravar-la, ja que inicialment dubtava de la frase “it’s a right I defend, over and over again” (“és un dret que defenso, una vegada i una altra”), pensant que potser era massa contundent o alliberadora per a una cançó pop.
Barry Gibb va ser reticent a treballar amb Streisand, intimidat per la seva fama i el seu control sobre les produccions. Però després d’una conversa positiva amb Neil Diamond, es va sentir més segur de col·laborar-hi. Un cop a l’estudi, l’experiència va resultar positiva, amb Streisand receptiva a les idees de Gibb i respectuosa amb la seva contribució. Ell la va descriure com una veritable dama, i la col·laboració va ser un èxit.
Segons Albhy Galuten, membre de l’equip de producció dels Bee Gees, la cançó utilitza un bucle de bateria de “Stayin’ Alive” dels Bee Gees, que es va alentir i adequar per a “Woman in Love”. Aquest bucle de bateria va ser acreditat a Bernard Lupe, un artista fictici, de la mateixa manera que a “Stayin’ Alive”.
Released: August 16, 1980
Charts: US: #1 (3 weeks) UK: #1 (3 weeks)
"Woman in Love" is a hit song performed by Barbra Streisand, released as the lead single from her 1980 album *Guilty*. Written by Barry and Robin Gibb of the Bee Gees, the song became one of Streisand's most successful tracks, marking her fifth and final #1 hit on the Billboard Hot 100. After its release, it topped the chart for three weeks, replacing Queen's "Another One Bites The Dust" and being succeeded by Kenny Rogers' "Lady." The success of the song helped solidify “Guilty” as one of Streisand's most iconic albums. The music video included clips from “A Star Is Born” as well as footage from other movies she made in the 1970s.
"Woman in Love" is a ballad where Barbra Streisand portrays a woman overwhelmed by intense love. Streisand described the song as one of the greatest love songs, emphasizing its passion, emotion, and authenticity. However, Barry Gibb revealed that it took some convincing for Streisand to record the song, as she initially questioned the line "it's a right I defend, over and over again," feeling it might be too strong or liberationist for a pop song.
Barry Gibb was initially hesitant to work with Barbra Streisand due to her reputation as a powerful and sometimes difficult artist. He was intimidated by her stardom and control over her work, but his wife encouraged him to take the project, even prompting him to ask Neil Diamond about his experience working with her. After receiving positive feedback, Gibb agreed to collaborate. Once in the studio, Gibb found the experience enjoyable, as Streisand was open to his ideas while also respecting his input. He described her as a true lady, and the collaboration turned out to be a success.
According to Albhy Galuten, a member of the Bee Gees' production team, the song borrowed a drum loop element from the Bee Gees' hit "Stayin' Alive." The loop was slowed down and radically EQ'd for "Woman in Love." This drum loop, originally from "Stayin' Alive," was credited to Bernard Lupe, a fictional artist who was also credited for the loop in the earlier hit.
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