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Estrena: 15 de gener de 1965

Llistes: Regne Unit: #1 (1 setmana)  EUA: #6

"Tired of Waiting for You" és una cançó llançada com a senzill el 15 de gener de 1965 al Regne Unit i el 17 de febrer de 1965 als Estats Units. Va arribar al número u a la UK Singles Chart i al número sis al Billboard Hot 100 als Estats Units. La cançó també va aparèixer al segon àlbum d'estudi dels Kinks, "Kinda Kinks". Es va convertir en el single dels Kinks que més alt ha arribat a les llistes als Estats Units, un rècord només igualat per "Come Dancing" divuit anys després.

Ray Davies va escriure "Tired of Waiting for You" mentre era estudiant a la Hornsey School of Art de Londres. Després d'encertar amb "You Really Got Me" i "All Day and All of the Night", Ray estava mancat d'idees per a noves cançons per al proper àlbum dels Kinks. Va decidir revisar la cançó que havia escrit durant els seus dies d'estudiant. La banda va enregistrar la pista instrumental, però Ray es va adonar que havia oblidat la lletra. La va escriure durant un viatge en tren cap a l'estudi al dia següent. 

En aquesta cançó, Ray Davies canta sobre una noia que el té sota el seu encanteri, però que continua deixant-lo penjat, desgastant-lo. La seva veu reflecteix una certa fatiga, mancant-li l'embat d'adrenalina dels seus èxits anteriors. Aquest descontent reflecteix tensions reals dins dels Kinks el 1965, quan estaven constantment de gira per actuacions promocionals. Va ser evident que hi havia animositat significativa dins de la banda, marcada per un calendari exigent que els costava seguir.

"Tired of Waiting for You" inicialment tenia un enfocament més suau fins que es va decidir incorporar-li el característic riff de guitarra de Dave Davies. Dave va recordar que, mentre el procés d'enregistrament avançava bé, tant ell com Ray Davies sentien que faltava alguna cosa. Estaven preocupats pel fet que afegir el so potent de guitarra de Dave sobre una cançó més suau podria no funcionar, però l'addició del so de guitarra va acabar millorant la gravació, donant-li un toc més emocional. Dave Davies va considerar "Tired of Waiting for You" com el disc pop perfecte, en la seva opinió.

Segons Ray Davies, mentre la banda rebia un telegrama a Nova York informant-los del seu número ú al Melody Maker, la resta de la banda va sortir de festa, però ell va optar per celebrar-ho sol, demanant una ampolla de xampany i gaudint del moment de l'èxit.


Released: January 15, 1965

Charted:  UK: #1 (1 week)  US: #6 

"Tired of Waiting for You" is a song released as a single on 15 January 1965 in the UK and 17 February 1965 in the US. It reached number one on the UK Singles Chart and number six on the Billboard Hot 100 in the US. The song also appeared on their second studio album, "Kinda Kinks". Notably, it became the Kinks' highest-charting single in the US, a record tied only by "Come Dancing" in 1983, eighteen years later.

Ray Davies wrote "Tired of Waiting for You" while he was a student at Hornsey School of Art in London. After scoring hits with "You Really Got Me" and "All Day and All of the Night," Ray was running low on ideas for new songs for the Kinks' next album. He decided to revisit the song he had written during his college days. The band recorded the backing track, but Ray realized he had forgotten the lyrics. He wrote them on a train ride to the studio the next day. Released as the lead single from their second album, the song became a major hit for the Kinks.

In this song, Ray Davies sings about a girl who has him under her spell, but she keeps stringing him along, wearing him out. The vocal reflects a weariness, lacking the adrenaline rush of their previous hits. This discontent mirrored real-life tensions within The Kinks in 1965 as they were constantly on the road for promotional appearances. It became evident that there was significant animosity within the band, exacerbated by the demanding schedule they struggled to maintain.

"Tired of Waiting for You" initially had a gentler approach until the decision was made to incorporate Dave Davies' trademark loud guitar riffing. Dave Davies recalled that while the recording process was progressing well, both he and Ray Davies felt something was missing. They were concerned that adding Dave's heavy guitar sound on top of a more subdued song might not work, but the addition of the raunchy guitar sound ended up enhancing the recording, giving it a sharper, more emotional edge. Dave Davies considered "Tired of Waiting for You" to be the perfect pop record in his opinion.

According to Ray Davies, while the band received a telegram in New York informing them of their success on Melody Maker, the rest of the band went out partying. However, the elder Davies brother opted to celebrate alone by ordering a bottle of champagne and enjoying the moment of success.

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