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Estrena: 13 d'agost de 1985

Llistes: EUA: #1 (1 setmana)  Regne Unit: #1 (2 setmanes)

"Saving All My Love for You" és una balada escrita per Michael Masser i Gerry Goffin. Originalment gravada per Marilyn McCoo i Billy Davis Jr. per al seu àlbum de 1978 “Marilyn & Billy”, la cançó va guanyar una gran popularitat quan Whitney Houston la va versionar per al seu àlbum debut “Whitney Houston” el 1985. Publicada el 13 d'agost de 1985 per Arista Records, es va convertir en el segon senzill de l'àlbum als Estats Units i el tercer a nivell mundial. La cançó li va valer el seu primer Premi Grammy i es va convertir en el primer dels set singles consecutius que van arribar al número 1 a la llista Hot 100.

Michael Masser va quedar captivat per la interpretació de Whitney a Sweetwater's, un club de Nova York, on va cantar una de les seves cançons, "The Greatest Love of All." La seva interpretació el va impressionar, mostrant el seu increïble talent vocal i profunditat emocional. Reconeguent el seu potencial per connectar profundament amb els oients, Masser va suggerir a Whitney una altra de les seves composicions, "Saving All My Love for You." Creia que la cançó tenia el potencial ideal per agradar poderosament a les dones.

"Saving All My Love for You" explica la història d'una dona profundament enamorada d'un home que no correspon completament als seus sentiments perquè està casat. Malgrat saber que la relació és equivocada i en contra dels consells dels seus amics, ella es manté emocionalment implicada, mantenint l'esperança que un dia ell serà completament seu.

Clive Davis, l'influencial executiu musical que va jugar un paper fonamental en la carrera de Whitney Houston, tenia una visió clara del seu atractiu transversal. Quan Michael Masser estava produint "Saving All My Love for You", Davis li va aconsellar que no fes el disc "massa negre", amb l'objectiu d'assegurar-se que agradés tant al públic negre com al blanc. Masser va tenir en compte aquest factor mantenint un arrenjament simple i centrant-se en mostrar la veu excepcional de Whitney.

El videoclip dirigit per Stuart Orme es va filmar a Londres durant la gira promocional de Whitney Houston. La mostra com una artista enregistrant un disc, atrapada en un romanç amb el seu productor casat, interpretat per Ricco Ross. Al final del vídeo, el productor torna amb la seva dona i família, deixant el personatge de Houston amb el cor trencat.

La cançó i el vídeo van provocar controvèrsia per la seva audaç representació d'una relació amb un home casat, un tema que es veia com moralment qüestionable. La mare de Whitney Houston, Cissy Houston, estava especialment preocupada per com això podria marcar la seva filla, tement que enviés un missatge equivocat al públic. Houston va revelar més tard que la narrativa de la cançó reflectia la seva pròpia experiència personal amb Jermaine Jackson, amb qui va tenir una relació difícil i finalment insatisfactòria mentre ell encara estava casat.


Released: August 13, 1985

Charts:  US: #1 (1 week)  UK: #1 (2 weeks)

"Saving All My Love for You" is a soulful ballad written by Michael Masser and Gerry Goffin. Originally recorded by Marilyn McCoo and Billy Davis Jr. for their 1978 album “Marilyn & Billy”, the song gained massive popularity when Whitney Houston covered it for her debut studio album “Whitney Houston” in 1985. Released on August 13, 1985, by Arista Records, it became the second single from the album in the United States and the third worldwide. The song earned her first Grammy Award and became the first of seven consecutive #1 Hot 100 hits for her.

Michael Masser was captivated by Whitney's performance at Sweetwater's, a New York City club, where she sang one of his songs, "The Greatest Love of All." Her rendition left a lasting impression on him, showcasing her incredible vocal talent and emotional depth. Recognizing her potential to connect deeply with listeners, Masser suggested another one of his compositions, "Saving All My Love for You," to Whitney. He believed the song had the potential to resonate powerfully with women.

"Saving All My Love for You" tells the story of a woman deeply in love with a man who doesn't fully reciprocate her feelings because he is married. Despite knowing the affair is wrong and against the advice of her friends, she remains emotionally invested, holding out hope that he will one day be hers entirely.

Clive Davis, the influential music executive who played a pivotal role in Whitney Houston's career, had a clear vision for her crossover appeal. When Michael Masser was producing "Saving All My Love for You," Davis advised him not to make the record "too black," aiming to ensure it resonated with both black and white audiences. Masser took this direction into account by keeping the arrangement simple and focused on showcasing Whitney's exceptional voice. 

The music video directed by Stuart Orme, was filmed in London during Whitney Houston's promotional tour. It depicts Houston as a recording artist entangled in a romance with her married producer, portrayed by Ricco Ross. By the end of the video, the producer returns to his wife and family, leaving Houston's character heartbroken.

The song and video stirred controversy because of its bold portrayal of an affair with a married man, a theme that was seen as morally questionable. Whitney Houston's mother, Cissy Houston, was particularly concerned about how this might reflect on her daughter, fearing it would send the wrong message to the public. Houston later revealed that the song's narrative mirrored her own personal experience with Jermaine Jackson, with whom she had a difficult and ultimately unfulfilling relationship while he was still married. 

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