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Released: January 31, 1983

Charted:  UK: #13 

This was the first single with Alan Wilder as a member. This was also the first single to feature a "limited edition" version, and the first single to feature live tracks (all recorded October 25th, 1982, at the Hammersmith Odeon). The "Edited Mix" of "Get The Balance Right" on the 12 inch single is simply the "Single Version", retitled.

"Get the Balance Right!" seems to explore the concept of finding a healthy equilibrium in life. The lyrics touch upon themes such as compromise, responsibility, selfishness, and the constant struggle to strike a balance in various aspects of one's existence. The song suggest that life encompasses more than just enjoyable experiences. It highlights the importance of understanding, asserting oneself, and occasionally resorting to deception. This may imply that in order to navigate through life, one needs to adapt to different situations and sometimes make difficult choices. The phrase "get the balance right." acts as a recurring reminder to achieve harmony and moderation in one's actions and decisions. It suggests that finding the right equilibrium is crucial for a fulfilled life. This cut also explores the idea of being responsible and respectable, yet vulnerable to manipulation. It reflects the struggle of being caring and empathetic towards others while also acknowledging the importance of self-preservation. 

With its catchy melody and thought-provoking lyrics, the song emphasizes the importance of finding balance in life. The purpose of the band is to encourage listeners to explore different aspects of their lives and seek harmony in situations caused by love, work, relationships and personal aspirations, making it a personal challenge for those who dare to accept the defiance they propose through their music, which is evident in the line "Prepare yourself for the fall", which suggests that life is inherently unpredictable and that one must always be prepared for unforeseen setbacks.

In the music video, Wilder lip-syncs the first lines of the song, even though Dave Gahan is the lead singer. The director Kevin Hewitt made the assumption that Wilder was the singer and the band was too embarrassed to point out his mistake.

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