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Publicació: 29 de gener de 1982

Llistes: Regne Unit: #6

"See You" és el quart single de Depeche Mode i el primer escrit per Martin Gore. El senzill es va incloure al segon àlbum de la banda "A Broken Frame". Va ser el primer single que van llançar com a trio, a causa de la marxa de Vince Clarke l'any anterior, que havia deixat el grup per fundar Yazoo.

Vince Clarke volia deixar la banda amb un bon senzill, així que va escriure la cançó "Only you". Depeche Mode la va rebutjar i va llançar "See You", que Martin Gore va escriure quan només tenia 16 anys. "Only You" va ser un èxit per a Yazoo arribant al #2, però "See You" va demostrar que Depeche Mode se’n podria sortir sense Clarke. Recordant aquest moment crucial, Gore va dir a Mojo: "No ens vam espantar, només vam reservar una estona d'estudi. Aleshores 'See You', que vaig escriure quan tenia 16 anys, va ser la primera cançó que vam gravar i va ser un gran èxit; ens vam sentir invencibles.

Gore també va dir a la revista Kingsize el maig del 2001: "Sento afecte per coses com 'See You'? Realment no, no. Va ser la primera cançó que vaig escriure després que Vince se'n va anar, i crec que només estava intentant copiar el seu estil. Va ser una gravació de malson perquè encara viviem a Basildon i haviem d’agafar l'últim tren de tornada de Londres. Sempre era un tren ple de borratxos, i sempre ens barallavem, de vegades perquè ens reconeixien, però normalment només era pura violència d'Essex!"

Aquesta és una cançó d'enyorança, amb el cantant intentant convèncer el seu amor perdut perquè torni a intentar la seva relació. "Els temps canvien, però crec que la gent és bàsicament la mateixa", suplica.

Encara que el teclista Alan Wilder s'havia unit a la banda en aquest moment, no va ser inclòs a l'enregistrament de la cançó. Tanmateix, se’l pot veure breument al vídeo escrivint en una màquina d'escriure al fons.


Released : January 29 1982

Charted:  UK: #6 

"See You" is the fourth UK single by Depeche Mode, and the first written by Martin Gore. The single was included on the band's second album “A Broken Frame”. It was the first single the band released as a trio, due to Vince Clarke's departure the previous year, who'd left the band for Yazoo. 

Vince Clarke wanted to leave the band with a good single, so he wrote the song "Only you”. Depeche Mode turned it down and instead released "See You," which Martin Gore wrote when he was only 16. "Only You" ended up being a #2 hit for Yazoo, but "See You" proved that Depeche Mode could have a go without Clarke. Recalling this pivotal time, Gore told Mojo, "We didn't panic, we just booked some studio time. Then 'See You,' which I wrote when I was 16, was the first song we recorded and it was a huge hit; we felt invincible.

Gore also told Kingsize magazine in May 2001: "Do I feel any affection for things like 'See You'? Not really, no. It was the first song I wrote after Vince left, and I think I was just trying to copy his style. It was a nightmare recording because we still lived in Basildon and caught the last train back from London. It was always a dodgy train, full of drunkards, and we always got into fights, sometimes because we were recognised, but usually it was just pure Essex violence!"

This is a song of longing, with the singer trying to convince his lost love to give their relationship another try. "Times change, but I think that you'll find people are basically the same," he pleads.

Though keyboardist Alan Wilder had joined the band by this time he was not included on the song's recording. However he can be briefly seen on the music video typing on a typewriter in the background.

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