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Estrena: març de 1982

Llistes: EUA: #9

"Did It in a Minute" és una cançó eufòrica sobre trobar l'amor de manera inesperada, escrita per Daryl Hall juntament amb Sara i Janna Allen. Llançada al març de 1982, va ser el tercer senzill del seu desè àlbum d'estudi, “Private Eyes”. Daryl Hall és el vocalista principal, amb John Oates proporcionant harmonies. En una entrevista, Hall va explicar que la cançó va començar quan Janna va cantar una idea per a la tornada mentre eren al cotxe. Inspirat, Hall va crear els acords amb un teclat i més tard va col·laborar amb Sara per escriure les estrofes, fent que fos un esforç compartit entre els tres.

Aquesta cançó explora temes de solitud i la joia de la companyia. El narrador reflexiona sobre la seva comprensió anterior de l'amor, que es veu desafiat per una nova persona que altera la seva perspectiva. La tornada emfatitza l'entrada ràpida i inesperada d'aquest individu a la seva vida, destacant tant la sorpresa com l'agraïment pel canvi que ha aportat.

La inspiració per a aquesta cançó va ser l'èxit de 1977 d'Eric Carmen, "She Did It", específicament l'ús de la frase "did-it". En el moment en què "Did It in a Minute" es va fer popular, Carmen estava de gira amb Hall & Oates. A més, "She Did It" s'havia inspirat en la cançó dels Beach Boys "Do It Again", que també utilitza la frase "did-it".

"Did It in a Minute" inclou diversos elements de composició destacats que van contribuir al seu èxit. El títol conté rimes, similar a altres cançons de Hall & Oates com "Possession Obsession" i "Kiss On My List". La tornada repeteix de manera prominent la frase "did it" 15 vegades, creant un ganxo memorable a través de la repetició constant. A més, cada pre-tornada varia, amb frases com "Some things stay the same..." i "Everybody always laughs at love...", que ajuden a generar impuls i proporcionen transicions suaus entre les estrofes i la tornada.

Com que Hall & Oates estaven de gira, no es va crear cap vídeo conceptual per a "Did It in a Minute". En canvi, es va fer un clip amb imatges de les seves actuacions en directe, que va funcionar molt bé a MTV, on el duet era una de les grans estrelles de la cadena.


Released: March 1982

Charts: US: #9 

"Did It in a Minute" is a euphoric song about unexpectedly finding love written by Daryl Hall alongside Sara and Janna Allen. Released in March 1982, it served as the third single from their tenth studio album, “Private Eyes”. Daryl Hall leads the vocals, with John Oates providing harmony. In an interview, Hall explained that the song began when Janna sang an idea for a chorus while they were in the car. Inspired, Hall created the chords on a keyboard and later collaborated with Sara to write the verses, making it a three-way effort.

This song explores themes of loneliness and the joy of companionship. The song's narrator reflects on their previous understanding of love, which is challenged by a new person who alters their perspective. The chorus emphasizes the swift and unexpected entrance of this individual into their life, highlighting both surprise and gratitude for the change they have brought. 

The inspiration for this track was Eric Carmen's 1977 hit "She Did It," specifically the use of the phrase "did-it." At the time "Did It in a Minute" became popular, Carmen was touring with Hall & Oates. Additionally, "She Did It" drew inspiration from the Beach Boys' song "Do It Again," which also features the 'did-it' phrasing.

"Did It in a Minute" features several expert songwriting elements that contributed to its success. The title includes rhymes, similar to other Hall & Oates tracks like "Possession Obsession" and "Kiss On My List." The chorus prominently repeats the phrase "did it" 15 times, creating a catchy and memorable hook through inescapable repetition. Additionally, each pre-chorus varies, with lines such as "Some things stay the same..." and "Everybody always laughs at love..." which help build momentum and provide smooth transitions from verse to chorus.

Due to Hall & Oates being on tour, no concept video was created for "Did It in a Minute." Instead, a clip was compiled from live performance footage, which performed well on MTV, where the duo were among the network's biggest stars.

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