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“Live from Daryl's House” és una sèrie de música on line que es va estrenar a la tardor de 2007. Presentat per Daryl Hall, el programa compta amb actuacions en directe amb la seva banda i artistes convidats, i té lloc a la casa de Hall a Millerton, Nova York. La sèrie ofereix un ambient informal i íntim per als artistes, proporcionant una alternativa als concerts tradicionals i a les gravacions d'estudi. Es posa l'accent en la creativitat espontània i la diversió, permetent que els músics col·laborin en un entorn relaxat.

"Live from Daryl's House" va començar com un espectacle web, amb Daryl Hall i la seva banda interpretant "Everything Your Heart Desires". El format amb convidats es va introduir al segon episodi, amb John Oates com el primer convidat en un especial de Nadal titulat "Trimming the Tree". Hall va crear el programa com una alternativa a les gires en directe, permetent-li col·laborar amb altres artistes des de la comoditat de casa seva. En una entrevista a Rolling Stone, va explicar que volia "portar el món" cap a ell, oferint un espai per a la col·laboració creativa amb músics contemporanis.

Originalment una sèrie web, “Live from Daryl's House” va arribar a la televisió el 2011 sense canviar el seu format. Daryl Hall va subratllar que seguia sent un programa d'internet malgrat la seva emissió televisiva. Els primers episodis de televisió van comptar amb actuacions de Train i Fitz and the Tantrums. Inicialment filmat a la casa històrica de Hall a Millerton, Nova York —que consistia en dues cases del segle XVIII reassemblades a la seva granja— el programa es va traslladar al club de Hall, Daryl's House, a Pawling, Nova York, a partir del 66è episodi el 2013. El local va ser remodelat per assemblar-se a la seva antiga casa, proporcionant un nou espai per a la sèrie.

Molts episodis inclouen un segment en el qual Daryl Hall i l'artista convidat preparen menjar de diferents tipus de cuina. Els aliments provenen de restaurants locals, i els cuiners d'aquests establiments guien Hall i el seu convidat durant el procés de preparació.

La banda de la casa de "Live from Daryl's House" ha evolucionat amb el temps, amb Hall al costat de membres centrals i músics convidats, depenent del gènere de l'artista convidat. Inicialment, T-Bone Wolk va exercir com a director musical fins a la seva mort el 2010, moment en què el guitarrista Paul Pesco va assumir el paper, seguit per Shane Theriot el 2014. La formació original incloïa músics com el guitarrista i teclista Eliot Lewis, el bateria Shawn Pelton, el percussionista Everett Bradley i el baixista Zev Katz. Amb el temps, la banda es va consolidar amb Lewis, el bateria Brian Dunne, el baixista Klyde Jones i el percussionista Porter Carroll Jr., molts dels quals havien tocat junts a l'Average White Band. L’habitual saxofonista convidat Charles DeChant també ha estat una figura destacada en la sèrie. El 2022, la banda va començar a fer gires sota el nom de Daryl Hall and the Daryl's House Band.

“Live from Daryl's House” ha acollit una àmplia gamma de músics de diversos gèneres com rock, soul, R&B, country, entre d'altres. Hi han participat llegendes del rock com Sammy Hagar, Joe Walsh, Cheap Trick, Tommy Shaw, Kenny Loggins, Todd Rundgren, Nick Lowe, Dave Stewart i Billy Gibbons de ZZ Top; icones del soul i R&B com The O' Jays, Aaron Neville, Aloe Blacc, Kandace Springs, Elle King, Wyclef Jean, Smokey Robinson, Cee Lo Green, Booker T & The MGs i Sharon Jones; reconeguts cantautors com Ben Folds, Rob Thomas, Jason Mraz, Gavin DeGraw, John Rzeznik de Goo Goo Dolls i Patrick Stump de Fall Out Boy; així com artistes country com Shelby Lynne. El programa també ha ajudat a donar visibilitat a artistes emergents com Fitz & The Tantrums, Grace Potter & The Nocturnals, Neon Trees, Johnnyswim, Parachute i Anderson East. Entre els convidats més recents hi ha Glenn Tilbrook de Squeeze, Charlie Starr de Blackberry Smoke, Andy Grammer, Lisa Loeb, Robert Fripp i Howard Jones.


“Live from Daryl's House” is an online music series that premiered in autumn 2007. Hosted by Daryl Hall, the show features live performances with his band and guest artists, taking place at Hall's home in Millerton, New York. The series offers an informal and intimate setting for artists, providing an alternative to traditional concerts and studio recordings. It emphasizes creative spontaneity and fun, allowing musicians to collaborate in a relaxed environment.

“Live from Daryl's House” began as a solo web show featuring Daryl Hall and his band performing "Everything Your Heart Desires." The guest format was introduced in the second episode, with John Oates as the first guest for a Christmas special titled "Trimming the Tree." Hall created the show as an alternative to live touring, allowing him to collaborate with other artists from the comfort of his home. He told Rolling Stone that he wanted to bring the world to him, offering a space for creative collaboration with contemporary musicians.

Originally a web series, “Live from Daryl's House” expanded to broadcast TV in 2011 without changing its format. Daryl Hall emphasized that it remained an internet show despite airing on TV. The first TV episodes featured guest performances by Train and Fitz and the Tantrums. Initially filmed at Hall's historic home in Millerton, New York, which consisted of two 18th-century houses reassembled on his farmland, the show moved to Hall's club, Daryl's House, in Pawling, New York, starting with the 66th episode in 2013. The venue was remodeled to resemble his old home, providing a new space for the series.

Most episodes feature a segment where Daryl Hall and the guest artist prepare food from different cuisines. The food is sourced from local restaurants, and the chefs from these establishments guide Hall and his guest through the preparation process. 

The house band for “Live from Daryl's House” has evolved over time, featuring Daryl Hall alongside core members and guest musicians, depending on the genre of the guest artist. Initially, T-Bone Wolk served as the musical director until his death in 2010, after which guitarist Paul Pesco took over, followed by Shane Theriot in 2014. The original lineup included musicians like guitarist/keyboardist Eliot Lewis, drummer Shawn Pelton, percussionist Everett Bradley, and bassist Zev Katz. Over time, the band solidified around Lewis, drummer Brian Dunne, bassist Klyde Jones, and percussionist Porter Carroll Jr., many of whom had played together in the Average White Band. Frequent guest saxophonist Charles DeChant has also been a prominent figure in the series. In 2022, the band began touring as Daryl Hall and the Daryl's House Band.

“Live from Daryl's House” has hosted a wide array of performers, spanning multiple genres such as rock, soul, R&B, country, and more. Rock legends like Sammy Hagar, Joe Walsh, Cheap Trick, Tommy Shaw, Kenny Loggins, Todd Rundgren, Nick Lowe, Dave Stewart and Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top; soul and R&B icons like The O' Jays, Aaron Neville, Aloe Blacc, Kandace Springs, Elle King, Wyclef Jean, Smokey Robinson, Cee Lo Green, Booker T & The MGs, and Sharon Jones; notable singer-songwriters such as Ben Folds, Rob Thomas, Jason Mraz, Gavin DeGraw, Goo Goo Dolls’ John Rzeznik and Fall Out Boy’s Patrick Stump; country artists such as Shelby Lynne. The show has helped spotlight emerging acts like Fitz & The Tantrums, Grace Potter & The Nocturnals, Neon Trees, Johnnyswim, Parachute and Anderson East. Recent guests include Squeeze’s Glenn Tilbrook, Blackberry Smoke’s Charlie Starr, Andy Grammer, Lisa Loeb, Robert Fripp, and Howard Jones.

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