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Estrena: novembre de 1978

Llistes: EUA: #4 Regne Unit: #41

"Stumblin' In" és un duet interpretat per Chris Norman de Smokie i Suzi Quatro. Inicialment llançada com a senzill independent, la cançó es va incloure més tard en algunes edicions de l'àlbum de Quatro “If You Knew Suzi...”. Aquesta cançó significa un canvi respecte a l'estil típic de hard rock de Quatro, ja que explora el tema de trobar l'amor de manera inesperada. Va esdevenir el major èxit als Estats Units per a ambdós artistes.

"Stumblin' In" va ser creada pel duo de compositors i productors Mike Chapman i Nicky Chinn, coneguts pels seus èxits amb Smokie i Suzi Quatro. Tot i que Smokie s'havia separat de Chapman i Chinn, la sort va fer que el 1978 Smokie rebés un premi a Düsseldorf, mentre Quatro estava gravant el seu àlbum “If You Knew Suzi...” a Colònia. Després de la cerimònia, Quatro i Chapman van assistir a una festa on es va tocar música. Chapman va interpretar un medley dels seus èxits, i més tard Quatro es va unir a Chris Norman a l'escenari. Inspirat per la seva química, Chapman va imaginar un duet entre els dos. L'endemà, va tenir la idea de la frase "our love is alive" i la va proposar a Quatro, que la va acceptar amb entusiasme.

"Stumblin' In" va marcar un punt d'inflexió significatiu per a Suzi Quatro i Chris Norman. En aquell moment, Quatro havia aconseguit nou èxits al Top 40 del Regne Unit, però encara no havia tingut èxit al mercat americà. De manera similar, Smokie havia tingut 11 èxits al Regne Unit, però només una cançó va arribar a les llistes americanes, "Living Next Door to Alice", que va assolir el número 25 el 1977. "Stumblin' In" va triomfar als Estats Units, convertint-se en el major èxit de Quatro, mentre que només va arribar al número 41 al Regne Unit. En una entrevista, Quatro va reflexionar sobre aquest fet, assenyalant que, malgrat formar part de l'escena del glam rock, aquell estil no va funcionar bé al mercat americà. Tot i tenir èxit radiofònic amb cançons com "All Shook Up" i "Can the Can", va ser aquest duet de country-rock el que finalment va tenir un impacte significatiu a Amèrica.

El remix fet pel DJ australià Cyril l'any 2023 es va convertir en una sensació viral a TikTok, captant l'atenció d'usuaris d'arreu del món, incloent-hi estrelles del futbol del Bayern de Munic que es van sumar a la tendència. Aquest ressorgiment va fer que la cançó tornés a les llistes de diversos països, incloent Àustria, Alemanya, Suïssa i el Regne Unit.


Released: November 1978

Charts:  US: #4   UK: #41 

"Stumblin' In" is a duet performed by Chris Norman of Smokie and Suzi Quatro. Initially released as a standalone single, it was later included in some editions of Quatro's album “If You Knew Suzi...”. This song marks a shift from Quatro's typical hard rock style, as it explores the theme of unexpectedly finding love. It became the biggest hit in the United States for both artists.

"Stumblin' In" was crafted by the songwriting and production duo Mike Chapman and Nicky Chinn, known for their many hits with Smokie and Suzi Quatro. Although Smokie had parted ways with Chapman and Chinn, serendipity struck in 1978 when Smokie received an award in Dusseldorf while Quatro was recording her album “If You Knew Suzi…” in Cologne. After the award ceremony, Quatro and Chapman attended a party where music was played. Chapman performed a medley of his hits, and Quatro later joined Chris Norman on stage. Inspired by their chemistry, Chapman envisioned a duet featuring the two. He came up with the line "our love is alive" the following day and pitched the idea to Quatro, who embraced it. 

"Stumblin' In" marked a significant turning point for Suzi Quatro and Chris Norman. At the time, Quatro had enjoyed nine UK Top 40 hits but had yet to find success in the American market. Similarly, Smokie had 11 UK hits but only one U.S. hit, "Living Next Door to Alice," which peaked at #25 in 1977. However, "Stumblin' In" resonated in the U.S., becoming Quatro's biggest hit, while it only reached #41 in the UK. Quatro reflected on this in an interview, noting that although she was part of the glam rock scene, that style didn't translate well to the U.S. market. Despite having radio success with songs like "All Shook Up" and "Can the Can," it was this country-rock duet that finally made a significant impact in America.

Australian DJ Cyril's 2023 remix became a viral sensation on TikTok, capturing the attention of users worldwide, including Bayern Munich soccer stars who joined in on the trend. This resurgence propelled the song back into the charts across several countries, including Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and the UK.

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