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Publicació: 7 de març de 1975

Llistes: EUA: #5 Regne Unit: #2

"Fox on the Run" és una cançó de la banda britànica de glam rock Sweet. Va ser el primer senzill de Sweet escrit per la banda, en lloc dels productors Nicky Chinn i Mike Chapman, i va ser el seu 14è senzill en general. La cançó es va incloure al seu àlbum de 1974 "Desolation Boulevard".

Després del llançament de l'àlbum, la banda es va separar de Chapman i Chinn i va produir el seu propi material. El seu primer treball va ser una reelaboració de "Fox On The Run", que originalment va ser feta per Chapman/Chinn. Desafiant les prediccions del desastre, Sweet van demostrar ser bastant capaços de treballar per ells mateixos, i la nova versió de "Fox", amb una tornada brillant reforçada amb un ressò atrevit, es va convertir en un èxit mundial.

"Fox on the Run" és una cançó que tracta sobre una dona que s'esforça molt per encaixar i ser com totes els altres. El cantant reconeix que te una cara bonica, però no és com les altres. No vol saber el seu nom perquè no és la mateixa que va ser abans. La dona parla d’altres bandes, però només deixa caure noms de grups secundaris, la qual cosa fa que el cantant pensi que això ja ho ha escoltat abans i no li interessa conèixer-la. La tornada parla d'una guineu fugint, que sembla una metàfora de la dona que constantment intenta encaixar i impressionar els altres. Ella crida i tothom surt corrent, possiblement referint-se a com la gent se sent atreta pel seu aspecte, però no per la seva personalitat o el seu veritable jo. El cantant li aconsella que corri i s'amagui, i li suggereix que seria millor que fos fidel a ella mateixa i no s'esforcés tant en encaixar. 

La cançó critica aquells que intenten impressionar els altres sent algú que no són, i fomenta la idea que és millor ser genuí i fidel a un mateix. "Fox" es refereix en argot a una dona atractiva. Sembla que la lletra podria parlar d'una de les groupies de la banda.


Released: March 7, 1975

Charted:  US: #5  UK: #2

"Fox on the Run" is a song by the british glam rock band Sweet. It was the first Sweet single written by the band, rather than producers Nicky Chinn and Mike Chapman, and was their 14th single overall. The song was included on their 1974 album “Desolation Boulevard”. 

After the album was released, the band parted ways with Chapman and Chinn and produced their own material. Their first effort was a reworking of "Fox On The Run," which was originally helmed by Chapman/Chinn. Defying predictions of disaster, Sweet proved quite capable on their own, and the new version of "Fox," with a bright chorus and bold echo, became a global hit.

"Fox on the Run" is a song about a woman who is trying too hard to fit in and be like everyone else. The singer acknowledges that she may have a pretty face, but the rest of her is out of place. He doesn't want to know her name because she's not the same as she was before. The woman talks about every band, but only drops second-hand names, which leads the singer to believe he's heard it all before and isn't interested in getting to know her. The chorus talks about a fox on the run, which seems to be a metaphor for the woman who is constantly trying to fit in and impress others. She screams and everybody comes running, possibly referring to how people are attracted to her looks but not her personality or true self. The singer advises her to take a run and hide herself away, suggesting that it would be better for her to be true to herself and not try so hard to fit in. 

The song criticizes those who try to impress others by being someone they are not and encourages the idea that it's better to be genuine and true to oneself. "Fox" being slang for an attractive woman, the lyrics are apparently about one of the band's groupies.  

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