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Estrena: 24 de febrer de 1986

Llistes: Regne Unit: #19  EUA: #62

"Love Comes Quickly" és una cançó de la parella anglesa Pet Shop Boys, que serveix com a segon senzill del seu àlbum debut, Please (1986). Va ser la primera cançó escrita per Neil Tennant i Chris Lowe després de la seva trobada inicial. El productor Stephen Hague està acreditat per contribuir amb els dos primers acords de la secció central. A més, les parts de saxòfon cap al final de la cançó van ser interpretades per Andy Mackay de Roxy Music.

"Sooner or later, this happens to everyone" (tard o d’hora, això passa a tothom). Una cançó notablement directa, "Love Comes Quickly" explora la idea que l'amor pot arribar de manera sobtada i inesperada, independentment de l'estat o els esforços per evitar-lo, agafant les persones desprevingudes. "You can't stop falling" (No pots deixar de caure). El fenomen afecta persones amb tota mena de vides: rics, poderosos, ben educats, viatjers i sofisticats per igual. Ni tan sols el gust pels plaers prohibits pot proporcionar immunitat. Neil i Chris insinuen que l'amor té tendència a manifestar-se "when you least expect it” (quan menys t'ho esperes).

Després del llançament de "Love Comes Quickly" al Regne Unit, els Pet Shop Boys van apareixer a la portada de la revista britànica de música Smash Hits, una publicació per la qual Neil Tennant havia escrit només uns anys abans. Durant l’entrevista, Tennant va parlar sobre la cançó, descrivint-la com "molt angoixant" i centrada en el tema d'enamorar-se. Va recordar l'origen de la cançó, mencionant que ell i Chris Lowe solien reunir-se a l'estudi d'un amic a Camden Town cada dissabte a la nit. "Vaig començar a cantar 'Love Comes Quickly' i tot va anar venint al cap," va reflexionar. "Crec que les millors cançons són així - et venen al cap tot d'una."

En aquell moment, els Pet Shop Boys no feien gires, així que es van dedicar als vídeos musicals i a les aparicions a la televisió per promocionar-se. Als Estats Units, MTV va tenir un paper crucial, guanyant una nominació als MTV Video Music Awards el 1986 per Millor Artista Nou en un Vídeo amb "West End Girls". Tot i que no van guanyar (A-ha ho va fer amb "Take On Me"), la seva interpretació de "Love Comes Quickly" al programa va donar un impuls significatiu a la cançó.

El videoclip de la cançó, dirigit per Andy Morahan i Eric Watson, opta per la simplicitat. Inclou plans de primer pla de Tennant cantant, intercalats amb muntatges borrosos de les cares de diverses altres persones. A més, en alguns moments, es superposen plans de Lowe recostat sobre una construcció de quadrícula. Watson va referir-se més tard a aquest vídeo com a "un desastre total".


Released: February 24, 1986

Charted:  UK: #19  US: #62 

"Love Comes Quickly" is a track by English duo Pet Shop Boys, serving as the second single from their debut studio album, Please (1986). Notably, it was the first song written by Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe after their initial meeting. Producer Stephen Hague is credited for contributing the first two chords of the middle section. Additionally, saxophone parts towards the end of the song were performed by Andy Mackay of Roxy Music.

"Sooner or later, this happens to everyone". A remarkably straightforward track, "Love Comes Quickly" delves into the idea that love can strike suddenly and unexpectedly, regardless of one's status or efforts to evade it, catching individuals off guard. "You can't stop falling". The phenomenon affects people from all walks of life—rich, powerful, well-educated, well-traveled, and sophisticated alike. Not even a "taste [for] forbidden pleasures" can provide immunity. Neil and Chris imply that love has a tendency to manifest "when you least expect it”.

After the release of "Love Comes Quickly" in the UK, Pet Shop Boys graced the cover of the British music magazine Smash Hits, a publication Neil Tennant had written for just a few years earlier. During the interview, Tennant discussed the song, describing it as "very angst-ridden" and centered around the theme of falling in love. He reminisced about the song's inception, mentioning that he and Chris Lowe used to gather at a friend's studio in Camden Town every Saturday night. "I just started singing 'Love Comes Quickly' and it all just came into my head," he reflected. "I think the best songs are like that - they come into your head at one go."

At that time, Pet Shop Boys didn't embark on tours, so they turned to music videos and TV appearances for exposure. In the United States, MTV played a crucial role, earning them a VMA nomination in 1986 for Best New Artist In A Video with "West End Girls." Although they didn't win (A-ha did for "Take On Me"), their performance of "Love Comes Quickly" on the show provided a significant boost to the song.

The music video for the song, directed by Andy Morahan and Eric Watson, opts for simplicity. It features close-up shots of Tennant singing, interspersed with blurry montages of various other people's faces. Additionally, shots of Lowe lying on top of a square grid construction are overlaid at times. Watson later referred to it as a "complete disaster".

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