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Publicació: 12 de setembre de 1983

Llistes: Regne Unit: #2   EUA: #14

"Modern Love" es va publicar com a primera pista de l'àlbum de David Bowie de 1983 "Let's Dance" i posteriorment es va editar com a tercer single el 12 de setembre del mateix any. Des de la seva publicació, la cançó ha rebut elogis de la crítica musical, que ha aplaudit la composició de Bowie, la qualitat de producció i la seva eficàcia com a cançó d'obertura d'àlbum. Va arribar al número 2 a la UK Singles Chart i al número 14 al US Billboard Hot 100.

"Modern Love" es va gravar al desembre de 1982 als Power Station (anteriorment Avatar Studios) a Manhattan, Nova York. Co-produïda per Nile Rodgers de Chic, la cançó inicialment formava part d'un projecte que Rodgers va concebre com a avantguardista i no comercial. Després de gravar la cançó de títol del disc i "Modern Love", Bowie va canviar de rumb cap a la creació d'un àlbum a la recerca de l’èxit comercial. La cançó en sí és descrita com una rockera vibrant d'antic cabaret amb un piano contundent característic de Little Richard, una de les inspiracions primigènies de Bowie en el rock. També inclou sofisticats arranjaments de trompeta de jazz. Stevie Ray Vaughan va contribuir amb la guitarra. El piano boogie-woogie de Robert Sabino, tot i que subtil, complementa la mescla general de la cançó.

"Modern Love" es va convertir en un tancament habitual durant les gires de David Bowie, oferint-li un moment emotiu per acomiadar-se del seu públic, com fa referència a la lletra de la cançó. Va ser destacada durant el set de Bowie a Live Aid el 1985 i va continuar sent un punt àlgid durant gires posteriors com la Glass Spider Tour el 1987 i la Sound+Vision Tour el 1990. Per promoure la Glass Spider Tour, Bowie va col·laborar amb Tina Turner per tornar a gravar "Modern Love" per a un anunci comercial com a part del seu acord de patrocini amb Pepsi. Bowie va continuar interpretant-la esporàdicament durant la seva gira A Reality Tour del 2003 al 2004.

El vídeo mostrava imatges de David Bowie i la seva banda interpretant “Modern Love” durant un concert de la Serious Moonlight Tour. Dirigit per Jim Yukich, el vídeo captura el que sembla ser Bowie i la seva banda tornant per a un bis al teatre Spectrum de Filadèlfia durant una estada de quatre nits. Segons Kyle Ryan de The A.V. Club, l'estètica del vídeo, especialment el vestuari de Bowie i l'estil de interpretació de la banda, va anticipar el ressorgiment del swing que es va fer popular una dècada després. Comparat amb altres vídeos de Bowie publicats aquell any, com "China Girl" i "Let's Dance", "Modern Love" destaca per la seva presentació en directe.


Released : September 12, 1983

Charted:  UK: #2    US: #14 

"Modern Love" was released as the opening track on David Bowie's 1983 album "Let's Dance" and later issued as the third single on September 12 of the same year. Since its release, the song has garnered critical acclaim from music critics who praised Bowie's songwriting, its production quality, and its effectiveness as an album opener. It peaked at number 2 on the UK Singles Chart and reached number 14 on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart.

"Modern Love" was recorded in December 1982 at the Power Station (formerly Avatar Studios) in Manhattan, New York City. Co-produced by Nile Rodgers of Chic, the song was initially part of a project Rodgers envisioned as avant-garde and noncommercial. After recording the title track and "Modern Love", Bowie redirected towards creating a commercially successful album. The song itself is described as an energetic, old barrelhouse rocker with pounding piano reminiscent of Little Richard, Bowie's early rock inspiration. It also features sophisticated jazz horn arrangements. Stevie Ray Vaughan contributed guitar. Robert Sabino's boogie-woogie piano, though subtle, complements the overall mix of the song. 

"Modern Love" became a regular closer during David Bowie's tours, giving him a poignant moment to bid farewell to his audiences as referenced in the song's lyrics. It was prominently featured during Bowie's set at Live Aid in 1985 and remained a highlight during subsequent tours such as the Glass Spider Tour in 1987 and the Sound+Vision Tour in 1990. To promote the Glass Spider Tour, Bowie collaborated with Tina Turner to re-record "Modern Love" for a commercial as part of his sponsorship deal with Pepsi. Bowie continued to perform the song sporadically during his A Reality Tour from 2003 to 2004.

The music video featured footage of David Bowie and his band performing the song during a concert on the Serious Moonlight Tour. Directed by Jim Yukich, the video captures what appears to be Bowie and his band returning for an encore at Philadelphia's Spectrum theater during a four-night stand. According to Kyle Ryan of The A.V. Club, the video's aesthetic, particularly Bowie's attire and the band's performance style, anticipated the swing revival that would become popular a decade later. Compared to Bowie's other videos released that year, such as "China Girl" and "Let's Dance," "Modern Love" is noted for its straightforward presentation.

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