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Estrena: 7 de novembre de 1990

Llistes: Regne Unit: #1 (5 setmanes)  EUA: #33

"It's in His Kiss" és una cançó originalment escrita per Rudy Clark i llançada com a senzill el 1963 per Merry Clayton, però no va aconseguir entrar a les llistes de èxits. Aquesta melodia va guanyar popularitat quan Betty Everett la va enregistrar el 1964, arribant al número 1 a les llistes R&B de la revista Cashbox. Amb el pas dels anys, ha estat versionada per nombrosos artistes i grups arreu del món. El 1990, Cher va revifar "It's in His Kiss" per a la pel·lícula "Mermaids", on es va incloure durant els crèdits finals i va esdevenir un èxit internacional.

A "Mermaids" Cher va interpretar el paper de la Sra. Flax, una mare soltera que navega per la vida amb les seves filles, incloent la rebel Charlotte, interpretada per Winona Ryder. El personatge de la Sra. Flax no canta a la pel·lícula, de manera que era adequat incloure "It's in His Kiss" durant els crèdits finals. Cher es va connectar profundament amb el seu personatge, notant que la Sra. Flax estava inspirada en la seva pròpia mare. Va reflexionar sobre com s’identificava amb aquest paper, dient: "Mermaids va ser la meva vida". Cher va establir paral·lelismes entre ella mateixa i el personatge, recordant els seus dramàtics anys adolescents i el seu comportament rebel, com ara conduir abans de tenir l’edat reglamentària.

"It's in His Kiss" és una cançó on la cantant, des de la perspectiva d'una dona, aconsella una jove sobre com identificar l'amor veritable. La lletra subratlla que el veritable signe d'amor rau "en el seu petó". La cantant es frustra amb la noia mentre li suggereix altres factors com el comportament i l'abraçada, afirmant que l'indicador definitiu és la manera dels seus petons.

La versió de Cher de "The Shoop Shoop Song (It's In His Kiss)" va tenir un èxit variable a nivell mundial. Tot i ser només un èxit moderat als Estats Units, arribant a una posició modesta a les llistes, va arribar al número u al Regne Unit, sent el seu primer número u en solitari allà (prèviament, "I Got You Babe" amb Sonny & Cher havia arribat al número u el 1965). La cançó també va encapçalar les llistes a Àustria, Irlanda i Noruega, i va assolir altes posicions com el número dos a Bèlgica i posicions al top ten a França, Alemanya, Nova Zelanda, Austràlia, Suïssa, Països Baixos i Suècia.

A causa del seu èxit al Regne Unit i Europa Continental, "The Shoop Shoop Song" es va incloure en el següent llançament discogràfic de Cher, "Love Hurts", en aquests països, així com a Austràlia i Nova Zelanda. Curiosament, la cançó també va formar part del llançament de l'àlbum a Canadà, però va ser notablement absent del seu llançament inicial als Estats Units. No va ser fins al recopilatori de 1999 "If I Could Turn Back Time: Cher's Greatest Hits" que "The Shoop Shoop Song" es va incloure oficialment en un àlbum de Cher als Estats Units.


Released: November 7, 1990

Charted:  UK: #1 (5 weeks)  US: #33 

"It's in His Kiss" is a song originally written by Rudy Clark and first released as a single in 1963 by Merry Clayton, but it did not chart. The song gained popularity when Betty Everett recorded it in 1964, reaching No. 1 on the Cashbox magazine R&B charts. Over the years, it has been covered by numerous artists and groups worldwide. In 1990, Cher revived "It's in His Kiss" for the movie "Mermaids," where it was featured during the closing credits becoming an international hit. 

In the 1990 film "Mermaids," Cher played the role of Mrs. Flax, a vibrant single mother who navigates life with her daughters, including the rebellious Charlotte, portrayed by Winona Ryder. The character of Mrs. Flax doesn't sing in the film, making it fitting to feature "It's in His Kiss" during the closing credits. Cher connected deeply with her character, noting that Mrs. Flax was inspired by her own mother. She reflected on how much the role resonated with her, saying, "Mermaids was my life." Cher drew parallels between herself and the character, recalling her dramatic teenage years and rebellious behavior, such as driving at a young age.

"It's in His Kiss" is a song where the singer, from a woman's perspective, advises a young girl on identifying true love. The lyrics emphasize that the true sign of love lies in "his kiss." The singer becomes frustrated with the girl as she suggests other factors like behavior and embrace, asserting that the definitive indicator is the manner of his kisses. 

Cher's rendition of "The Shoop Shoop Song (It's In His Kiss)" achieved varying degrees of success globally. While it was only a minor hit in the United States, reaching a modest position on the charts, it soared to number one in the United Kingdom, marking her first solo chart-topper there (previously, "I Got You Babe" with Sonny & Cher had reached number one in 1965). The song also topped charts in Austria, Ireland, and Norway, and achieved high rankings such as number two in Belgium and top ten positions in France, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, Switzerland, Netherlands, and Sweden.

Due to its widespread success in the UK and Continental Europe, "The Shoop Shoop Song" was included on Cher's subsequent album release, "Love Hurts," in those regions as well as in Australia and New Zealand. Interestingly, the song was also part of the album's release in Canada but was notably absent from its initial release in the United States. It wasn't until the 1999 compilation album "If I Could Turn Back Time: Cher's Greatest Hits" that "The Shoop Shoop Song" was officially included on a Cher album in the U.S.

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