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Estrena: abril de 1983

Llistes: EUA: #4   Regne Unit: #5

"I Guess That's Why They Call It the Blues" és una cançó significativa per a Elton John del seu àlbum "Too Low for Zero", llançat el 1983. Marca un retorn a la forma amb la seva clàssica formació de banda i el reuneix creativament amb el lletrista Bernie Taupin després d'una breu pausa. La cançó va assolir un notable èxit, arribant al número 4 del Billboard Hot 100 als Estats Units i al número 5 al Regne Unit. Elton John personalment l'ha citat com la seva preferida de l'àlbum, apreciant-ne la qualitat perdurable i la descriu com una cançó atemporal que li encanta interpretar.

Líricament, Bernie Taupin la va escriure com un emotiu homenatge a la seva dona en aquell moment, Toni Russo, qui és germana de l'actriu Rene Russo. En els crèdits de l'àlbum, Bernie va incloure una nota personal: "Ei Toni, aquesta és per a tu."

Bernie Taupin ha expressat penediment per la lletra de "I Guess That's Why They Call It the Blues" que diu: "Loving you more than I love life itself" (T'estimo més que la meva pròpia vida). Considera que és un sentiment que mai expressaria ara, descrivint-lo com a vulgar i fals. Taupin creu que és irreal i disminueix la sinceritat de l'amor genuí. Ha destacat que, tot i que estima profundament els seus fills, la noció hipotètica de sacrificar la seva vida per algú és complexa i no és quelcom que trivialitzaria en una cançó.

"I Guess That's Why They Call It the Blues" es caracteritza pel seu ambient nostàlgic dels anys 50, impulsat pel piano de Elton John amb un toc blues i amb un notable solo d'harmonica de Stevie Wonder.

El vídeo musical presenta una trama emotiva ambientada en els anys 50. Segueix una parella jove que es separa quan el protagonista masculí és cridat al servei militar. El vídeo captura la profunda nostàlgia i tristesa de la noia en la seva absència, destacant la seva esperança perquè ell torni per alleujar el seu turment emocional.


Released: April 1983

Charted:  US: #4   UK: #5 

"I Guess That's Why They Call It the Blues" is a significant song for Elton John from his album "Too Low for Zero," released in 1983. It marked a return to form with his classic band lineup and reunited him creatively with lyricist Bernie Taupin after a brief hiatus. The song achieved considerable success, reaching #4 on the Billboard Hot 100 in the United States and peaking at #5 in the UK. Elton John has personally cited it as his favorite from the album, appreciating its enduring quality and describing it as a timeless song that he enjoys singing.

Lyrically, Bernie Taupin penned the song as a heartfelt tribute to his wife at the time, Toni Russo, who happens to be the sister of actress Rene Russo. In the album credits, Bernie included a personal note: "Hey Toni, this one's for you." 

Bernie Taupin expressed regret over the lyric in "I Guess That's Why They Call It the Blues" that states, "Loving you more than I love life itself." He considers it a sentiment that he would never express now, describing it as crass and false. Taupin believes that it's unrealistic and diminishes the sincerity of genuine love. He emphasized that while he deeply loves his children, the hypothetical notion of sacrificing his life for someone is complex and not something he would trivialize in a song.

"I Guess That's Why They Call It the Blues" is characterized by its nostalgic 1950s vibe, driven by Elton John's bluesy piano and featuring a notable harmonica solo by Stevie Wonder. 

The music video depicts a poignant storyline set in the 1950s. It follows a young couple who are separated when the male protagonist is drafted into National Service. The video captures the girl's deep longing and sadness in his absence, emphasizing her anticipation and hope for his return to alleviate her emotional turmoil. 

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