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Released: December 10, 1988

Charted:  UK: #10

"Driving Home for Christmas" by Chris Rea is a heartwarming Christmas song that has become a holiday classic over the years. Originally released as a B-side in 1986, its popularity has grown, and it has made regular appearances on the UK Singles Chart during the Christmas season. The song's nostalgic and relatable theme of heading home for Christmas strikes a chord with many listeners, contributing to its enduring appeal and festive charm.

"Driving Home for Christmas" has a charming origin story. Rea wrote the song in 1978 while stuck in traffic on his way home to Middlesbrough from Abbey Road Studios in London. The idea came to him during a snowy journey in his wife's Austin Mini, and he started singing the lyrics jokingly. The festive and relatable theme of heading home for Christmas was born during this car ride, and the song eventually became a cherished holiday classic. Rea noted that it's a "car version of a carol," capturing the spirit of Christmas travel and the shared experience of holiday journeys.

Chris Rea's decision to perform "Driving Home for Christmas" live for the first time in 2014 at Hammersmith Odeon came with a festive spectacle. To enhance the performance, Rea went all out, hiring 12 snow cannons to create a winter wonderland effect. As the song started, the venue was filled with the noise of the crowd, and the snow machines added an immersive layer to the experience. However, the aftermath came at a cost, with the venue charging £12,000 to clean up the three feet of artificial snow that blanketed the stalls. It was a memorable and extravagant performance that brought the spirit of the song to life in a unique way.

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