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Estrena: 26 de gener de 1979

Llistes: Regne Unit: #9 EUA: #86 

"Don't Stop Me Now" de la banda britànica Queen, inclosa al seu àlbum "Jazz" del 1978, es va llançar com a senzill el 1979. El cantant Freddie Mercury va escriure la cançó durant les sessions per a l'àlbum, i es va enregistrar a l'agost de 1978 als Super Bear Studios de Berre-les-Alpes (Alps-Marítims), França. La lletra reflecteix el sentiment de la banda de passar-s'ho bé, capturant l'esperit optimista i enèrgic pel qual Queen eren coneguts durant aquells anys.

La lletra de Freddie Mercury suggereix un sentit d'abandonament i risc, especialment amb frases com "I am a satellite, I'm out of control" i "I am a sex machine ready to reload” (Sóc un satèl·lit, estic fora de control" i "Sóc una màquina sexual a punt de recarregar). Això afegeix una capa de complexitat a la cançó, destacant l'actitud intrèpida i hedonista de Mercury durant aquell període. La lletra captura un moment de viure l'instant, abraçant una insinuació dels perills associats amb aquest estil de vida.

"Don't Stop Me Now" es caracteritza musicalment pel piano de Freddie Mercury, complementat pel baix de John Deacon i la bateria de Roger Taylor formant la base de la pista. La cançó mostra la distintiva harmonia vocal en multitrack de Queen, especialment evident a les frases de la tornada, reflectint l'estil característic de la banda. Una versió alternativa de la cançó, titulada "Don't Stop Me Now... Revisited", presenta un arranjament més dur amb guitarres. Aquesta versió va aparèixer a l'àlbum de la banda sonora del 2018 "Bohemian Rhapsody: The Original Soundtrack".

Després de la mort de Freddie Mercury el 1991 a causa del VIH/sida, va quedar evident que el seu estil de vida hedonista durant el període de "Don't Stop Me Now" havia tingut les seves conseqüències. Brian May, que inicialment no era un fan de la cançó, va revelar més tard en una entrevista amb Mojo que va tenir problemes amb la lletra, ja que reflectia un moment difícil a la vida de Mercury en què "prenia moltes drogues i tenia relacions sexuals amb molts homes". May va expressar preocupació sobre els perills que Mercury va enfrontar durant aquell període. Malgrat aquestes reserves, May va reconèixer l'èxit de la cançó, convertint-se en un gran èxit i un himne per a aquells que abraçaven un estil de vida hedonista. May la va considerar un cop de geni de Freddie, però amb un corrent subterrani de preocupació pel seu benestar.

El canvi en les normes de la llista de vendes del Regne Unit a principis de 2007, que permetien que totes les descàrregues digitals figuressin a la llista independentment a una equivalent física, va tenir un impacte significatiu en "Don't Stop Me Now". Tot i que la cançó mai va arribar al Top 75 durant aquest temps, va mantenir una presència al Top 200 al llarg de 2007. Curiosament, va vendre 53.000 còpies i aquesta xifra de vendes va superar la del número 1 de McFly, "Baby's Coming Back", en 3.000 còpies.

El 2011, els fans de Queen van participar en una enquesta realitzada per HMV, on van votar la tornada de "Don't Stop Me Now" com la millor lletra de la banda. La lletra preferida va ser "Don't stop me now, I'm having such a good time, I'm having a ball." Seguida de prop com la segona lletra preferida hi havia una frase de "The Show Must Go On": "My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies, fairy tales of yesterday will grow but never die, I can fly my friends." Aquest reconeixement destaca l'atractiu i l'impacte emocional de la lletra de "Don't Stop Me Now" entre els aficionats de Queen.


Released: January 26, 1979

Charted:  UK: #9   US: #86 

"Don't Stop Me Now" by the British rock band Queen, featured on their 1978 album "Jazz", was released as a single in 1979. Lead singer Freddie Mercury wrote the song during the sessions for the album, and it was recorded in August 1978 at Super Bear Studios in Berre-les-Alpes (Alpes-Maritimes), France. The lyrics mirror the band's sense of improving at having a good time, capturing the upbeat and energetic spirit that Queen was known for during this years.

Freddie Mercury's lyrics suggest a sense of abandon and risk, especially with lines like "I am a satellite, I'm out of control" and "I am a sex machine ready to reload." This adds a layer of complexity to the song, highlighting Mercury's fearless and hedonistic attitude during that period. The lyrics capture a moment of living in the moment, embracing exhilaration, and perhaps a hint of the dangers associated with such a lifestyle.

"Don't Stop Me Now" is characterized musically by Freddie Mercury's piano playing, complemented by John Deacon's bass guitar and Roger Taylor's drums forming the backing track. The song showcases Queen's distinctive multitrack harmony vocals, especially evident in the chorus lines, reflecting the band's trademark style. An alternative version of the song, titled "Don't Stop Me Now... Revisited", features a harder, guitar-driven arrangement. This version appeared on the 2018 soundtrack album "Bohemian Rhapsody: The Original Soundtrack".

After Freddie Mercury's death in 1991 due to AIDS-related causes, it became evident that his hedonistic lifestyle during the period of "Don't Stop Me Now" had taken its toll. Brian May, initially not a fan of the song, later revealed in an interview with Mojo that he struggled with the lyrics as they reflected a challenging time in Mercury's life when he was "taking lots of drugs and having sex with lots of men." May expressed concerns about the dangers Mercury faced during that period. Despite these reservations, May acknowledged the song's enduring success, becoming a massive track and an anthem for those embracing a hedonistic lifestyle. May considered it a stroke of genius from Freddie, but with an undercurrent of worry for his well-being.

The change in UK chart rules at the beginning of 2007, allowing all digital downloads to chart regardless of a physical equivalent, had a significant impact on "Don't Stop Me Now". While the song never reached the Top 75 during that time, it sustained a presence in the Top 200 throughout 2007. Remarkably, it sold 53,000 copies and interestingly, this sales figure surpassed that of McFly's #1 hit "Baby's Coming Back" by 3,000 copies.

In 2011, Queen fans participated in a survey conducted by HMV, where they voted the chorus of "Don't Stop Me Now" as the band's best-ever lyric. The favored lyric was "Don't stop me now, I'm having such a good time, I'm having a ball." Following closely as the second favorite lyric was a line from "The Show Must Go On": "My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies, fairy tales of yesterday will grow but never die, I can fly my friends." This recognition highlights the enduring appeal and emotional impact of the lyrics from "Don't Stop Me Now" among Queen enthusiasts.

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