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Publicació: 27 de maig de 1976

Llistes: Regne Unit: #22   EUA: #1 (1 setmana)

"(Shake, Shake, Shake) Shake Your Booty", llançada el 1976 com a part de l'àlbum "Part 3", va assolir un èxit significatiu com el tercer número u en la llista Billboard Hot 100 i la llista Hot Soul Singles. Malgrat la seva popularitat, la cançó va suscitar certa polèmica a causa de la seva lletra, que molts van interpretar com a connotacions sexuals.

KC (Harry Wayne Casey) va mencionar que la cançó tenia més significat i profunditat més enllà de la interpretació superficial. Tot i que podria ser percebuda com suggerent, KC probablement va tenir la intenció que la lletra celebri el fet de ballar i passar-s'ho bé, enlloc de ser obertament sexual. Com moltes cançons disco de l'època, "Shake Your Booty" s’aferra a l'esperit animat i despreocupat de la vida nocturna a la disco, encoratjant els oients a desinhibir-se i gaudir a la pista de ball.

"(Shake, Shake, Shake) Shake Your Booty", llançada després dels èxits "Get Down Tonight" i "(That's The Way) I Like It", va capitalitzar una tendència observada per Harry Wayne Casey (KC) i Richard Finch. Van percebre que la gent ballava entusiàsticament i sacsejava els seus "booties" (culs), cosa que els va impulsar a escriure una cançó que encoratgés aquest comportament. La cançó va continuar amb el distintiu de la banda de simplicitat i repetició, amb Casey repetint la paraula "shake" un total de 96 vegades al llarg de la pista de tres minuts. "(Shake, Shake, Shake) Shake Your Booty" té la distinció d'ésser l'única cançó número u en la història que repeteix una paraula quatre vegades en el seu títol.


Released : May 27, 1976

Charted:  UK: #22   US: #1 (1 week)

"(Shake, Shake, Shake) Shake Your Booty" released in 1976 on their album "Part 3," achieved significant success as their third number-one hit on both the Billboard Hot 100 and the Hot Soul Singles chart. Despite its popularity, the song garnered some controversy due to its lyrics, which many interpreted as having sexual connotations.

KC (Harry Wayne Casey) mentioned that the song had more meaning and depth beyond the surface interpretation. While it may have been perceived as suggestive, KC likely intended the lyrics to celebrate dancing and having a good time rather than being overtly sexual. Like many disco songs of the era, "Shake Your Booty" embraced the lively and carefree spirit of disco nightlife, encouraging listeners to let loose and enjoy themselves on the dance floor.

"(Shake, Shake, Shake) Shake Your Booty" released following their wildly successful hits "Get Down Tonight" and "(That's The Way) I Like It," capitalized on a trend observed by Harry Wayne Casey (KC) and Richard Finch. They noticed people were enthusiastically dancing and shaking their "booties," prompting them to write a song encouraging this behavior. The song continued the band's trademark of simplicity and repetition, with Casey repeating the word "shake" a staggering 96 times throughout the three-minute track. Interestingly, "(Shake, Shake, Shake) Shake Your Booty" holds the distinction of being the only number-one single in history to repeat a word four times in its title.

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