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Estrena: 11 de març de 1980

Llistes: EUA: #1 (4 setmanes)   Regne Unit: #2 

"Funkytown" de Lipps Inc. es va publicar al març de 1980 com a segon senzill del seu àlbum debut "Mouth to Mouth," escrita i produïda per Steven Greenberg per a Casablanca Records. La cançó va aconseguir ràpidament un èxit comercial massiu, encapçalant les llistes de molts països, incloent Austràlia, Bèlgica, Canadà, França, Israel, Nova Zelanda, Espanya, els Estats Units i Alemanya Occidental.

Steven Greenberg, el compositor i productor, va escriure "Funkytown" inspirat pel seu desig de deixar Minneapolis per una ciutat més "funky," que va batejar com a "Funkytown," referint-se específicament a Nova York. Greenberg considerava que Minneapolis era massa plana i mancava de l'energia vibrant que buscava. Com a productor de discos a temps parcial i DJ, va voler crear el seu propi èxit disco, resultant en "Funkytown," coneguda per la seva simplicitat i versos enganxosos.

Inicialment, Greenberg va escriure "Rock It" i va reclutar Cynthia Johnson per cantar-la, fet que va portar al grup a signar amb Casablanca Records. Tot i que "Rock It" va tenir un èxit moderat en clubs, arribant al número 64 del Hot 100, va ser "Funkytown" la que va catapultar Lipps Inc. a la fama internacional quan es va llançar com a single el 1980. Mentre "Funkytown" expressava el sentiment personal de Greenberg sobre l'escena funk a Minneapolis, les contribucions innovadores de Prince aviat establirien la ciutat com un dels centres d'innovació a la indústria musical.

"Funkytown" ha estat associada amb diversos vídeos musicals. Un vídeo mostra una dona afroamericana no identificada fent playback sobre la veu de Cynthia Johnson mentre balla en un pub. Una altra versió mostra a Doris D, que va actuar amb Lipps Inc. als Països Baixos i Alemanya Occidental, ballant i fent playback. Segons informació del seu lloc web, la cantant original, Cynthia Johnson afirma que mai va ser preguntada per actuar en un vídeo de "Funkytown."

"Funkytown" va tenir un impacte significatiu a diverses llistes de Billboard als Estats Units el 1980. En entrar al Billboard Hot 100 el 29 de març de 1980, la cançó va pujar ràpidament a la llista. Va aconseguir passar quatre setmanes consecutives al número u, mantenint-se en aquesta posició des del 31 de maig fins al 21 de juny de 1980. A més del seu èxit al Hot 100, la cançó va dominar la llista Disco Top 60, on va estar al capdamunt durant quatre setmanes no consecutives.


Released: March 11, 1980

Charted:  US: #1 (4 weeks) UK: #2 

"Funkytown" by Lipps Inc. was released in March 1980 as the second single from their debut album "Mouth to Mouth," written and produced by Steven Greenberg for Casablanca Records. The song quickly achieved widespread commercial success, topping charts in numerous countries including Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Israel, New Zealand, Spain, the United States, and West Germany. 

Steven Greenberg, songwriter and producer, penned "Funkytown" inspired by his desire to leave Minneapolis for a funkier city, which he dubbed "Funkytown," specifically meaning New York City. Greenberg found Minneapolis too bland and vanilla, lacking the vibrant energy he sought. As a part-time record producer and DJ, he aimed to create his own disco hit, resulting in "Funkytown," known for its simplicity and catchy hooks. 

Initially, Greenberg wrote "Rock It" and recruited Cynthia Johnson to sing it, a move that led to the group's signing with Casablanca Records. Although "Rock It" had moderate success in clubs, reaching number 64 on the Hot 100, it was "Funkytown" that catapulted Lipps Inc. to international stardom upon its release as a single in 1980. Interestingly, "Funkytown" emerged from Greenberg's desire to find a funkier city than Minneapolis, which he humorously dubbed "Funkytown." But while "Funkytown" expressed Greenberg's personal sentiment about the funk scene in Minneapolis, Prince's groundbreaking contributions would soon establish the city as a hotbed of funk and innovation in the music industry.

"Funkytown" has been associated with multiple music videos. One video features an unidentified black woman lip-syncing Cynthia Johnson's vocals while dancing in a pub setting. Another version showcases Doris D, who performed with Lipps Inc. in the Netherlands and West Germany, dancing and lip-syncing the song. Cynthia Johnson claims she was never approached to perform in a video for "Funkytown," according to information on her website.

"Funkytown" made a significant impact on various Billboard charts in the United States in 1980. Upon its entry into the Billboard Hot 100 on March 29, 1980, the song quickly climbed the charts. It achieved the remarkable feat of spending four consecutive weeks at number one, holding the top spot from May 31 to June 21, 1980. In addition to its success on the Hot 100, the song also dominated the Disco Top 60 chart, where it topped the rankings for four non-consecutive weeks. 

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