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Released: August 12, 1994

Charted:  US: #25   UK: #1 ( 3 wks)

"Cotton Eye Joe" is a Eurodance track by Swedish group Rednex, released in 1994 as the lead single from their debut album, "Sex & Violins". Adapted from the traditional American folk song "Cotton-Eyed Joe", it infuses Eurodance elements with traditional American instruments like banjos and fiddles. Written by Janne Ericsson, Örjan Öban Öberg, and Pat Reiniz, the song features vocal verses by Annika Ljungberg and the iconic "Cotton Eye Joe" chorus by Göran Danielsson. 

"Cotton Eye Joe" depicts the titular character as a troublemaker who charms and manipulates women, causing chaos in relationships. The song reflects on the consequences of his actions, with lyrics lamenting missed opportunities for marriage due to his interference. Originating in the American South in the 1800s, the song gained popularity in country bars for line dancing. As a traditional folk song, it has been recorded by many country artists over the years.

Rednex, a group of Swedish producers, reimagined "Cotton Eye Joe" as a techno dance track, complete with a country bumpkin theme. They cleverly adopted the name Rednex, a play on "redneck," and concocted a fictional backstory for the band, claiming they were rescued from an uncivilized village in Idaho and brought to Sweden. The group's members were portrayed as stereotypical hillbillies, with tattered clothes and unkempt appearances. Their refusal to grant interviews added to the intrigue, and the fabricated tale generated significant press attention across Europe. Anyhow, it was eventually revealed that Rednex was a local creation, and their backstory was a fabricated marketing strategy.

Rednex's portrayal of American podunk culture in "Cotton Eye Joe" was not intended to be derogatory or disrespectful. Pat Reiniz explained that their initial understanding of the American hillbilly/redneck culture was limited to stereotypes. For the group, the redneck image aligned with the energy and simplicity of the music, reflecting a raw and party-centric vibe. Over time, they gained more insight into the culture but maintained that their portrayal was a blend of tribute and parody, with their image remaining unchanged as a 50/50 homage to that lifestyle.

The music video for "Cotton Eye Joe," directed by Stefan Berg, received the award for the best Swedish dance video at the 1995 Swedish Dance Music Awards. Set in a barn during a lively hoedown, the video showcases the band performing while guests engage in various activities like dancing, playing, and splashing in old wild west baths. A mechanical bull adds to the festive atmosphere. Throughout the barn, signs with humorous inscriptions contribute to the playful vibe. However, Göran Danielsson, the vocalist for the "Cotton Eye Joe" chorus, does not make an appearance in the video.

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