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Publicació: abril de 1979

Llistes: Regne Unit: #5   EUA: #13

"Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now" és una cançó disco llançada el 1979 pel duo d'R&B americà McFadden & Whitehead, del seu àlbum debut també titulat "McFadden & Whitehead." Gene McFadden i John Whitehead, juntament amb el teclista Jerry Cohen, van escriure i produir la cançó. El duo ja era conegut com a compositors i productors a Philadelphia International Records, contribuint a moltes pistes que van definir el so del Philadelphia Soul durant aquella època.

Cap a finals dels anys 70, McFadden i Whitehead, ja establerts com a compositors i productors a Philadelphia International Records, estaven desitjant gravar el seu propi material. Amb el suport de Gamble i Huff, van aprofitar l'oportunitat i van escriure l'himne motivacional "Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now." Inspirada en la seva pròpia experiència i determinació, la cançó va ser acceptada àmpliament pels oients que afrontaven reptes i aspiracions. Va arribar al número u a les llistes R&B i també va tenir èxit a la ràdio Top 40.

La gravació de "Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now" als Sigma Sound Studios de Philadelphia va implicar diversos músics i vocalistes talentosos. Els guitarristes Dennis Harris i Bobby Eli, el baixista James Williams i el bateria Keith Benson van contribuir a l'arranjament instrumental. Les veus de suport van ser gravades pel trio femení Barbara Ingram, Carla Benson i Evette Benton, conegudes pel seu treball als Sigma Sound Studios sota diversos noms com The Sweeties, The Philadelphia Angels i The Girls.

Ampliament interpretada com una reflexió per part de la comunitat afroamericana, la cançó va guanyar significat i va ser coneguda com "el nou l'himne nacional negre", juntament amb l'original "Lift Every Voice and Sing", que data del 1900. Kelefa Sanneh ha destacat l'esperit exuberant de la cançó i la seva interpretació com una expressió de l'orgull negre. Amb el pas dels anys, ha mantingut la seva rellevància i continua sonant en diversos formats musicals, testimoniant el seu atractiu perdurable i el missatge de perseverança atemporal.


Released : April 1979

Charted:  UK: #5   US: #13 

"Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now" is a disco song released in 1979 by the American R&B duo McFadden & Whitehead, from their debut album also titled "McFadden & Whitehead." Gene McFadden and John Whitehead, along with keyboard player Jerry Cohen, wrote and produced the song. The duo were prominent songwriters and producers at Philadelphia International Records, contributing to many tracks that shaped the Philadelphia Soul sound during that era.

By the late '70s, McFadden and Whitehead, already established as songwriters and producers at Philadelphia International Records, were eager to record their own material. With the support of Gamble and Huff, they seized the opportunity and penned the motivational anthem "Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now." Inspired by their own journey and determination, the song resonated widely with listeners facing challenges and aspirations. It soared to number one on the R&B charts and also found success on Top 40 radio. 

The recording of "Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now" at Sigma Sound Studios in Philadelphia involved several talented musicians and vocalists. Guitarists Dennis Harris and Bobby Eli, bass player James Williams, and drummer Keith Benson contributed to the instrumental arrangement. The backing vocals were provided by the female trio Barbara Ingram, Carla Benson, and Evette Benton, who were renowned for their work at Sigma Sound Studios under various names such as The Sweeties, The Philadelphia Angels, and The Girls. 

Widely interpreted as a reflection of the African American experience, the song garnered significance and became known as "the new black national anthem," alongside the original "Lift Every Voice and Sing," which dates back to 1900. Kelefa Sanneh has highlighted the song's exuberant spirit and its common interpretation as an expression of Black pride. Over the years, it has maintained its relevance and continues to be played across various music formats, attesting to its enduring appeal and message of perseverance.

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