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Released: October 5, 1970

Album: Led Zeppelin III

"Since I've Been Loving You" is a track by Led Zeppelin from their 1970 album “Led Zeppelin III”. It's notable for its live-in-the-studio recording approach with minimal overdubbing, making it one of the hardest tracks to capture during the album's sessions. John Paul Jones contributed Hammond organ to the song, using bass pedals instead of a bass guitar, while John Bonham's distinctive drum pedal, the Ludwig Speed King model 201, produced noticeable squeaks during the recording, earning it the nickname "Squeak King." Additionally, the opening and closing lyrics bear a striking resemblance to those of the 1968 Moby Grape song "Never."

"Since I've Been Loving You" stands as one of Led Zeppelin's most soulful tracks, characterized by Jimmy Page's meticulous guitar work, which oscillates between restrained moments and fiery, impassioned solos. Regardless of spending months perfecting his solo, Page ultimately decided to use his original demo, a decision that proved fortuitous given the song's raw, emotive quality. John Paul Jones's blazing organ adds depth to the arrangement, while Robert Plant's vocals convey pure heartbreak.

Robert Plant's vocal performance on "Since I've Been Loving You" showcased his impressive vocal range, yet it also posed a considerable challenge due to the song's demanding nature. In a 2003 interview with Mojo, Plant reflected on the song's musical progression, particularly the chord choices at the end of each verse, noting that they were not typical and required a shift to a higher, more emotional register. 

The iconic riff at the beginning was borrowed from "New York City Blues" by The Yardbirds, a band in which Jimmy Page had not yet joined at the time of its creation. Page's guitar solo on the track was accomplished in a single take. Engineer Terry Manning hailed Page's solo as "The best rock guitar solo of all time," recognizing its technical brilliance.

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