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Publicació: 13 d'octubre de 1990

Llistes: EUA: #5   Regne Unit: #6

"Show Me Love" és una cançó de la cantant nord-americana Robin S, escrita per Allen George i Fred McFarlane. Inicialment llançada el 1990 per Champion Records al Regne Unit, va guanyar popularitat després de ser remixada pel duo suec de música house StoneBridge i Nick Nice el 1992. El remix va propulsar la cançó a l'èxit internacional, convertint-se en un himne de la música house destacat al Regne Unit i el major èxit de Robin S. La seva popularitat va contribuir a l'acceptació mainstream de la música house.

Inicialment, Robin va dubtar a causa del ritme ràpid, desviant-se del seu estil de R&B i pop. El seu procés d'enregistrament va ser desafiador, marcat per la ronquera i la frustració mentre es recuperava d’una grip. Tot i sol·licitar crèdits d'edició per les seves contribucions a la demo, Robin mai les va rebre d'Allen George.

El remix de 1992 va assolir un èxit significatiu a les llistes dels Estats Units, arribant al número cinc al Billboard Hot 100 i al número u al Hot Dance Club Songs. També va arribar al número quatre al Cash Box Top 100 i al número set al Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs. A Europa, va arribar al número sis a la UK Singles Chart i al top 10 en diversos països, com Espanya, Bèlgica i Suïssa. A més, va ser un èxit del top 20 a Àustria, Dinamarca, França, Alemanya, Islàndia, Itàlia i els Països Baixos.

StoneBridge va descobrir l'èxit del seu remix diversos mesos després del seu llançament quan el va veure a l'emissió setmanal de TV Top of the Pops durant una visita a Londres. Tot i no rebre crèdits d'escriptura pel remix, va explicar que pràcticament va compondre una nova cançó. En aquell moment, el món dels remixos tendia a ser una feina per contracte, però StoneBridge va afirmar que la seva situació eventualment la va perdonar ja que va rebre molta feina després.

És un malentès habitual que Andrea Martin, i no Robin S., va interpretar la veu per a "Show Me Love." No obstant això, en un panell de l'ASCAP al 2011, Martin va aclarir que va cantar a una demo de la cançó i va cantar també algunes frases des de l'escenari del panell, fent que molts creguessin que la seva veu era la que s'utilitzava a la gravació final. Tot i que no era poc comú a principis dels anys 90 que les models servissin com a àvatars per als cantants, Robin S. era de fet la vocalista genuïna de la pista. Martin va revelar que se li van oferir 300 dòlars pels productors per crear una melodia a partir del ritme i la lletra, cosa que va fer. També va afirmar que la gran interpretació vocal al principi de la cançó era la seva idea. Martin va admetre que el seu error més gran va ser no adonar-se que, com a cantant de demos, ella era qui realment escrivia les cançons, mentre només rebia una petita quantitat al principi.


Released: October 13, 1990

Charted:  US: #5    UK: #6 

"Show Me Love" is a song by American singer Robin S, written by Allen George and Fred McFarlane. Initially released in 1990 by Champion Records in the UK, it gained popularity after being remixed by Swedish house music duo StoneBridge and Nick Nice in 1992. The remix propelled the song to international success, becoming a prominent house anthem in the UK and Robin S's biggest hit. Its popularity contributed to the mainstream acceptance of house music.

Robin initially hesitated due to the fast tempo, deviating from her R&B and pop background. Her recording process was challenging, marked by hoarseness and frustration as she recovered from the flu. Despite requesting publishing credits for her ad-libbed additions to the demo, Robin never received them from Allen George.

The 1992 remix achieved significant chart success in the United States, peaking at number five on the Billboard Hot 100 and reaching number one on the Hot Dance Club Songs chart. It also reached number four on the Cash Box Top 100 and number seven on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart. In Europe, the song peaked at number six on the UK Singles Chart and reached the top 10 in several countries, including Spain, Belgium, and Switzerland. Additionally, it was a top-20 hit in Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, and the Netherlands.

StoneBridge discovered the success of his remix several months after its release when he saw it featured on the weekly TV show Top of the Pops during a visit to London. Despite not receiving writing credits for the remix, he described it as essentially composing a new track. At the time, the world of remixes tended towards work for hire, but StoneBridge felt that his situation was eventually forgiven as he received a lot of work afterwards.

It's a common misconception that Andrea Martin, not Robin S., provided the vocals for "Show Me Love." However, at an ASCAP panel in 2011, Martin clarified that she sang on a demo of the song and belted out some lyrics from the panel stage, leading many to believe her vocals were used. While it was not uncommon in the early '90s for models to serve as avatars for singers, Robin S. was indeed the genuine vocalist for the track. Martin revealed that she was offered $300 by the producers to come up with a melody from the beat and lyrics, which she did. She also claimed that the big vocal run at the beginning of the song was her idea. Martin admitted that her biggest mistake was not realizing that, as a demo singer, she was actually writing the records, while only receiving a small fee upfront.

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